Transactional Recovery and Checkpoints
Difference How is this different from schedule recovery? It is the details to implementing schedule recovery It is at a lower level (transactional) – Operating System level Writing out dirty data, etc.
Recovery is needed for atomicity and durability Problems: Reading involves buffers, paging and LRU replacement (operating system) Writing when to write updates from memory to disk? After each update??? Called force approach When LRU replaces (use dirty bit)? What if crash when update still in memory? No immediate durability No atomicity Solution? Have a log buffer with log entries and a log file
Log buffer and Log file Log buffer stored in memory Log file is a copy of the log buffer on disk (permanent storage) Log buffer written to log file at intervals Assume written when transaction commits Log file used to perform recovery Log buffer and log file guarantees atomicity and durability
Log Buffer Log buffer contains list of log entries Log entries: Start, Commit, Write
Log Entries In log entry keep track of: 1) Start of Transactions (S, T#) S1 2) committed T's ( C, T#) C1 3) operations - enter writes but not reads: (W, T#, data_item (or RID), before_value, after_value) (W,1,A,10,20) why before values? in case must UNDO why after values? in case must REDO
Log files vs. Data file 2 different concepts: 1) Log buffer entries written to log file vs. 2) Making changes to actual data on DB disk DB data file is stored on disk (permanent storage) Updated data pages (dirty pages) are cached in memory Data file on disk not updated with dirty pages until some event (discussed later)
Durability Problems - WAL When to write log buffer to log file Durability - commits successful only once log file written on disk if failure and log entry not written? can never UNDO or REDO Must write log buffer to log file
Dirty Pages When to update data on DB disk? Write dirty pages to DB disk when log buffer full Write dirty pages to DB disk when commit
Dirty Pages – option 1 Write dirty pages when full How to ensure dirty pages not written until log buffer written to disk (REDO) Write ahead log guarantee (WAL) log sequence number (LSN)- every log entry keeps track of smallest LSN to log file since last write (lsn_buffmin) keep track of updates to data pages (lsn_pgmax) Can write pages to disk as long as lsn_pgmax < lsn_buffmin Else? Updates not written to log file yet
Example 1 2 lsn_pgmax lsn_buffmin 7 8 … Can write pages 4, 5 (e.g. lsn_pgmax=5<lsn_buffmin)
Dirty Pages – option 2 Dirty data pages not written until commit Atomicity Problem: Be sure dirty pages of data not written to DB disk before log entry – how? Solution: Can modify LRU replacement to ensure data not written to DB disk before written to log file
Dirty Pages If updated data page not written to DB disk until commit No UNDO processing ever no before images needed in logs What if lot of updates? can't keep all in memory – so write whenever full?
When to write to disk When to write log buffer to log file? Assume when a transaction commits When to write updates to DB disk? Explore options
How to recover from a crash Must use information from non-volatile (permanent) storage If not in permanent storage, it is lost If ever restarted, assumed to be later and NOT part of the recovery Method: For each entry in log (move backwards in log) determine if should ignore or undo Then (move forward in log) and redo relevant entries
Example Log entries: 1. (S1) 2. no entry 3. (W,1,A,50,20) 4. (S2) R1(A,50) W1(A,20) R2(C,100)W2(C,50)C2 R1(B,50)W1(B,8)C1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Log entries: 1. (S1) 2. no entry 3. (W,1,A,50,20) 4. (S2) 5. no entry 6. (W,2,C,100,50) 7. (C2) write log buffer to log file 8. no entry 9. (W,1,B,50,80) 10. (C1) write log buffer to log file What if crash after operation 9 but before 10?
One way to recover from a crash R1(A,50) W1(A,20) R2(C,100)W2(C,50)C2 R1(B,50)W1(B,8)T1 Crashes T1 not committed, T2 committed – what to do? Must undo T1 and redo T2 Rollback until log file empty 1. C2 - T2 on committed list 2. (W,2,C,100,50) T2 committed, do nothing 3. (S2) T2 no longer active 4. (W,1,A,50,20) T1 not on the committed list UNDO this update only if written to data disk (NOTE: Differs from textbook – says can always UNDO) 5. (S1) T1 no longer active
ACID properties For atomicity Rollback - make list of committed T's and UNDO uncommitted T's actions if written to DB disk For durability Rollforward - to REDO committed T's actions if not written to DB disk. This means load data (old value) from disk into memory and apply operation again NOTE: can only UNDO, REDO what is in log file NOT log buffer
How to recover cont’d Rollforward 6. S1 - no action 7. (W,1,A,50,20) T1 uncommitted - no action 8. (S,2) no action 9. (W,2,C,100,50) Redo update – assume not on data disk yet 10. (C,2) no action 11. done Note: T1 may be restarted later, but not part of recovery
If write log buffer to log file when commit When to write dirty data to DB disk?
Common Way to guarantee ACID Checkpoints: Provides an approach to address ACID properties Always write buffer to log file when commit Also determines when to write to data file on disk Write dirty data to DB disk each time commit?? Maybe not
Checkpoints Recovery Checkpoints used so only have to rollback to a certain point A Checkpoint Consistent snapshot of all of the database - values on durable disk “A Checkpoint is a database event which synchronizes the modified data blocks in memory with the datafiles on disk.”
Checkpoint CKPT – my definition A CKPT reflects current state of database A CKPT includes data updates from all newly committed transactions and possibly updates from uncommitted transactions Assume dirty data only written at CKPT
Recovery T's short-lived (take a few seconds) therefore rollback is quick - only a few T's active that need to be UNDONE Rollforward takes longer - many T's to REDO, keep track of start T's, etc.
Checkpoint strategies At checkpoint: log buffer written to log file Updated pages written to data file on disk Still assume log buffer always written to log file at commit 3 different approaches for when to take checkpoints Commit consistent Cache consistent Fuzzy consistent
Commit consistent 1. Commit consistent -needed when count of log events exceeds some limit Enter checkpoint state: a) no new T's start until checkpoint complete b) DB processing continues until all existing T's commit and log entries out on disk c) current log buffer written to log file, all dirty pages written to DB disk all from committed T’s d) when a)-c) complete, special log entry CKPT entered (these steps are the same as an orderly shutdown of the system ) R1(A,1) W1(A,3) R3(B,4) C1 W3(B,6) CKPT R3(C,7) R4(Z,1) W3(C,11) C3 R5(Y,3) W4(Z,2) C4 W5(Y,4) CRASH
Commit consistent cont’d To recover from a failure or termination: Rollback? No-steal approach – never need to UNDO Rollforward? start at CKPT, then REDO committed since CKPT Problems But what if some transactions are long-lived or lots of transactions? must wait a long-time for them to finish, with no new T's active
Cache-consistent – Oracle, Informix 2. Cache-consistent checkpoint - aim to reduce time if long transactions a) No new T's permitted to start b) existing T's cannot start any new ops c) current log buffer written to disk, all dirty data pages to DB disk (even it not committed) d) log entry (CKPT, list of active T's) written on log file on disk R1(A,1) W1(A,3) R4(Z,1) W4(Z,2) C1 R3(B,4) CKPT R3(C,7) R5(Y,3) W3(C,11) C3 W5(Y,4) CRASH
Cache-consistent cont’d To recover: must rollback past CKPT Rollback - Starting at last CKPT, keep rolling back until UNDO uncommitted (in memory) in active list in CKPT Rollforward – Starting at last CKPT, REDO all updates by committed T's
Cache-consistent cont’d Problems: Time to flush dirty pages to disk
Fuzzy - Informix 3. Fuzzy checkpoint aim to reduce time to perform a checkpoint makes use of 2 checkpoint events; CKPTn-1 and CKPTn a) no new T's start - existing T's no new ops b) current log buffer written to disk with CKPTn c) set of dirty pages in buffer that accumulated since CKPTn-1 is noted background process makes sure pages written out on data file disk by next checkpoint CKPTn+1 e) Note: prior to CKPTn, remaining pages dirty between CKPTn-2 and CKPTn-1 forced to disk R1(A,1) CKPTn-1 W1(A,3) R4(Z,1) W4(Z,2) C1 R3(B,4) CKPT R3(C,7) R5(Y,3) W3(C,11) C3 W5(Y,4) CRASH
Fuzzy For our class we decided since we do not know if DB updated yet, always REDO committed and UNDO uncommitted (complicated in reality) Rollback? Starting at CKPTn UNDO committed Continue rollingback to CKPTn-1 Rollforward? starts with first log entry following 2nd to last checkpoint log CKPTn-1 ...... CKPTn (start at CKPTn-1) REDO committed transactions starting at CKPTn-1 Rollforward all the way to crash
Important observations Only UNDO if data written to data disk at CKPT before transaction committed (didn’t commit before checkpoint) Only REDO if committed transaction’s data not written to data disk (committed after checkpoint)
Log buffer, Log file, Data file and Checkpointing Log buffer contains list of operations (Start, Commit, Write); it is stored in memory. Log file is a copy of the log buffer on disk (permanent storage). Data file is stored on disk (permanent storage). Updated data pages (dirty pages) are cached in memory. Data file on disk not updated with dirty pages until CKPT. A CKPT reflects current state of database. It includes data updates from all newly committed transactions, and even updates from uncommitted transactions (if cache or fuzzy checkpoint).
Events At CKPT: At a COMMIT: UNDO: REDO: Updated pages written to data file on disk and log buffer written to log file. At a COMMIT: log buffer also written to log file, but updated data not written to disk. UNDO: when data written to data disk and transaction doesn’t commit. REDO: when transaction committed but not written to data disk yet.
Rollback to where? Cache consistent: Commit consistent: To CKPT Cache consistent: Past CKPT until no active transactions if cache consistent Fuzzy consistent: To CKPTn-1 if fuzzy consistent Which strategy does UNDO? cache consistent Our version of fuzzy.
Rollforward REDO when? only if Commit has occurred after a CKPT (so dirty data not written to disk yet). Can only REDO operations entered in log file. If operation in log buffer, but not written to log file yet, do not REDO, assume lost.
After recovery After recovery using CKPTs: Data file on disk in a consistent state What is on the data disk? All committed transactions? updates recorded on data disk All updates from transactions not committed? not recorded on data disk
Checkpoints in Oracle The mechanism of writing modified blocks on disk in Oracle is not synchronized with the commit of the corresponding transactions. all database changes up to the checkpoint are recorded in the data disk, making it unnecessary to apply redo log entries prior to the checkpoint. Which consistency? cache consistent
Checkpoints in Oracle Logs Oracle writes the dirty buffers to disk only on certain conditions: Every three seconds When a checkpoint is produced
Checkpoints in Oracle A checkpoint is realized on five types of events: At each switch of the redo log files When the delay for LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT is reached. When the size in bytes corresponding to: (LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL* size of IO OS blocks) is written on the current redo log file. Directly by the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE command. Directly with the ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT command
Checkpoints in Oracle During a checkpoint the following occurs: The database writer (DBWR) writes all modified database blocks in the buffer cache back to data disk (cache consistent) Log writer (LGWR) updates both the controlfile and the datafiles to indicate when the last checkpoint occurred
Informix Used to checkpoint when: Administrative events, for example, archives, adding a dbspace, A 75 percent full physical log ?? One checkpoint in the logical log space ?? The CKPTINTVL configuration parameter in the ONCONFIG file
Informix Checkpoints in Informix Now uses non-blocking Used to use blocking checkpoint Fuzzy Checkpoint – still blocked when flushed buffer Now uses some special type of checkpoint