Journal Vocab List 6 Pen/Pencil Materials needed:
Journal 12/1 What do you think of when you think of individuality? Write at least 5 sentences of what comes to mind with specific examples.
Vocab List 6- Quick Review Please take out the vocab sheet from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. Didn’t get one? I have a few extra….until they run out
Toil Sentence: Nicole toiled away for hours in the hot sun, making sure that every seed was planted.
Toil Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To work hard OR Part of Speech: Noun Definition: exhausting physical labor
Vacate The renters had vacated every room of the empty home, leaving behind only the keys.
Vacate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to leave
Besiege Evan was besieged by news reporters outside the school with no where to run to.
Besiege Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to surround (a place) or crowd oppressively.
Censor Parents censor information from their children because they are not mature enough.
Censor Part of Speech: verb Definition: examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.
Constrict A snake constricts its food to make it easier to eat.
Constrict Part of Speech: verb Definition: to make narrow, squeeze or press together
Ban Officially or legally prohibit, to forbid or not allow. Verb
Delude To deceive, or fool Verb
Bedlam Noise and confusion Noun
Ponder To think Verb
Monotone Steady, flat tone. Adjective
Anthem by Ayn Rand
About the Author Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. At age six she taught herself to read and decided to make fiction writing her career at age nine.
About the Author Rand was age 12 at the time of the Russian (or Bolshevik) Revolution (1917). Even as a young girl, she objected to the Communist principle that man must exist for the sake of the State.
About the Author The final overthrow of Russia by the Communist party brought the confiscation of her father’s pharmacy and periods of near-starvation for her family.
About the Author At the University of Petrograd, Rand studied philosophy and history. When introduced to American history, she immediately took America as her model of what a nation of free men and women could be. Eventually, Rand obtained permission to leave Soviet Russia for the United States. She spend six months with relatives in Chicago and then worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter for much of her adult life.
About the Author During her career as a screenwriter, Rand began writing novels. Between writing chapters of The Fountainhead, Rand worked on the “anti-collectivist novella Anthem” (1937). After writing several more novels, Rand wrote and lectured on a personal philosophy she called “objectivism.” This philosophy upheld her belief in reason, individuality, and capitalism.
Plot Summary Anthem is a work of dystopian fiction (dystopian is a word with Greek roots that refers to a society opposite of a utopia). It takes place in a future world in which society is governed by “collectivism” (a system similar to communism). The community has many rules with strict consequences and virtually no freedoms.
One major theme in Anthem is Collectivism vs. Individualism The individual is… Owned by the group Has no right to privacy Has no right to lead his own life, pursue his own happiness, or use his own property. Exists ONLY as part of the group. The individual… Has rights Will not run anyone’s life, nor let anyone run theirs. Will not rule or be ruled. Will not be a master or slave. Will not sacrifice themselves to anyone, nor sacrifice anyone to themselves.
Plot Summary In Anthem, technological advancement is limited by government (known as The Council). The society of Anthem lives in a dark age in which technology like electricity has disappeared. Men and women are assigned jobs at birth and reproduction is managed by the state. The concept of individuality has been eliminated, and the word “I” has disappeared from the language. All individual names have been made numbers preceded by words “Equality” and “Union.”
The Council
Protagonist / Hero The protagonist in the story is Equality-72521. Equality stands out in a uniform and regulated society. He is exceptionally tall (6’1) and caught up in his own free thinking. He represents a superior intellect in a world of automatons.
Concepts in Anthem Rand presents a struggle between contrasting philosophies through the course of the novel. Rand refers to these philosophies in varied terms, including: Altruism – man exists to serve others and this self-sacrifice is the highest moral duty Egoism – man’s primary moral obligation is to achieve his own welfare and well-being. Collectivism – the subjugation of the individual to a group. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to a collective action and collective thought for the sake of the “common good.” Individualism – every man is an independent and sovereign entity who posses an inalienable right to his own life.
Places of Importance Home of Infants Home of Students Palace of Mating Home of Street Sweepers, Scholars, Leaders . . . Home of Peasants Home of the Useless Palace of Corrective Detention City Cesspool City Theater Uncharted Forest
Key Characters & Organizations Equality 7-2521 > The Unconquered >Prometheus Liberty 5-3000 > The Golden One > Gaea Fraternity 2-5503 International 4-8818 Solidarity 9-6347 Union 5-3992 The Transgressor of the Unspeakable Word The Saint of the Pyre Key Organizations: Council of Eugenics Council of Vocations World Council of Scholars