MULTIDIMENSIONAL CATECHESIS The Catechist Track October 14, 2015 Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Overview Different ways people learn Implications for catechesis Ethnic preferences Key characteristics of primary, intermediate and pre-adolescent children Leichner 2015
Catechetical Process Review Planning Starts Here Human Experience Message Reflection Discovery Integration Response Leichner 2015
Reflection Discovery Integration Catechetical Process Response Human Experience Reflection Discovery Integration Message Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Human Experience Have you ever had a teacher or a learning situation that made it difficult for you to learn? Why was it difficult? How do you learn best? Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Introduction: Catechist as Teacher Tasks of Catechesis: Knowledge of the faith Liturgical education Moral education Teaching to pray Education for community life Education for mission Teaching and Learning Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Introduction: Catechist as Teacher Jesus is the model teacher (NDC 92) Jesus’ methodology was multidimensional: words, signs, wonders (NDC 92) Catechists are encouraged to use contemporary teaching methods that are not contrary to the Gospel. (GDC 148) Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: Learning Styles Different approaches to learning Preferred, consistent and unique preference Independent of subject matter Independent of IQ, socio-economic background, or educational level Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: Learning Styles (according to David Kolb) How we take in information concrete experience or abstract conceptualization How we process information active experimentation or reflective observation Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: 4 Learning Styles (Bernice McCarthy) Concrete experience + reflective observation Imaginative Learner Abstract conceptualization + reflective observ. Analytic Learner Abstract conceptualization + active experimentation Common Sense Learner Concrete experience + active experimentation Dynamic Learner Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: Learning Styles It is up to the catechist to adapt his or her teaching methods to the learning styles of the learners – not the other way around. Leichner 2015
Learning Cycle Dynamic Imaginative Common Sense Analytic What will I do to put what I have learned into practice? Why do I need to know this? Common Sense Analytic How does this work? How can I apply what I learned? What do I need to know? Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Learning Cycle and Catechetical Process Response Human Experience What will I do with what I have learned? Why do I need to know this? Reflection Discovery Integration Message What do I need to know? How does this work? How can I apply what I learned? Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Example: Corporal work of mercy: feed the hungry 1. Human experience: Focus questions on hunger, what it feels like, people who are hungry 2. Message: Scripture story about Jesus feeding the hungry Church teaching about concern for the poor. 3. Reflection: What does this mean for Christians today -- in our city and county? The world? 4. Response: So what am I/we going to do about it? Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: Learning Modalities Learning modalities are the main sensory channels through which we take in information Auditory (hearing) Visual (seeing) Tactile/Kinesthetic (touching/movement) 70% of people have a strong preference Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Catechetical Process Response Human Experience Visual, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic Visual, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic Reflection Discovery Integration Message Visual, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic Visual, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Message: Ethnicity and Learning Ethnic values and attitudes influence learning One difference: Sensitivity to “field” (Field refers to the social environment of the learning situation) Field dependence or Field independence Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Field Dependent - one end of a continuum Strong interest in others, interpersonal relationships Need and desire to be physically close to people Attentive to social cues from others Most comfortable with material with social content Like cooperative learning situations Respond positively to praise, adversely to criticism Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Field Independence - other end of a continuum Analytical Able to work with less structured information Less gregarious, less people-oriented Prefer working on own or with reference materials Enjoy learning for its own sake May need to learn how to work with others Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Summary Teaching and learning are related Effective teaching engages all students People learn in different ways Catechists need to adapt their teaching methods to the learners and the ways they like to learn Effective catechists incorporate a variety of learning activities in their lessons Leichner 2015
Reflection, Discovery, Integration How do students with different learning styles benefit from lessons that follows the learning cycle (or catechetical process)? What new insight about teaching did you gain from tonight’s session? Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
Response = Assignment DUE OCTOBER 28 If you are currently a catechist, write a one-page paper giving three examples of how you will use what you learned in tonight’s session in your catechesis. If you are not currently a catechist, write a one-page letter to an imaginary catechist who is just beginning to teach. In your letter share 3 things you learned tonight that will help them be a better catechist. Leichner 2015 Leichner 2008
CATECHISTS’ PRAYER God of all creation, sow your seeds of peace in us. Let them take root and grow so that we, in turn, can cultivate peace wherever we go. Make us doers of your Word, enlivened by its hope and grounded in its truth. Fill our heart with compassion for those on the margins of life. May our work as catechists be a living testimony to your goodness and grace. We pray this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Leichner 2015