Get Real Series-11 Real Rest Do you think Real Rest is possible in today’s world? This is our topic to explore today. Thank you for coming again. May you learn more about how to find the peaceful rest that is so needed in today’s world. We have a special welcome to you.
Have you become tired of being tired? Get Real Series Real Rest Have you become tired of being tired? Have you become tired of being tired? Are you weary enough of the situation to be prepared to do all you can to change circumstances that are causing the situation?
Society does not value importance of rest and sleep Get Real Series Real Rest Society does not value importance of rest and sleep Unfortunately, we live in a society today that does not value the importance of rest and sleep. Sleep is too often considered to be a waste of time or something that we get to when it suits us.
Real Rest Get Real Series Why do we have such a hard time saying goodnight to TV, fun and responsibilities?
Real Rest Get Real Series We seem unable to tear ourselves away from the next soapie instalment. In addition, the shops stay open later, the best TV programs seem to be on screen around and after bedtime. Midnight comes closer and closer.” Has the media taken you as its junk captive as well?
Real Rest Get Real Series The result is that we are dragging ourselves around during the day. Energy and vitality seem to have quietly gone out of the back door and they have not told us where they have gone to.
Real Rest WHY IS SLEEP NECESSARY? Not enough sleep = not enough food Get Real Series Real Rest WHY IS SLEEP NECESSARY? Not enough sleep = not enough food Not enough food = weight loss Losing 1 hour per day = 7 hours sleep debt Not having enough sleep is much like not having enough food. With not enough food we will lose weight over a period of time. If we don’t have enough sleep (say only 1 hour a day) then we will lose 7 hours a week. That is 7 hours of sleep debt.
Real Rest WHY IS SLEEP NECESSARY? 7 hours sleep debt =1 nights sleep Get Real Series Real Rest WHY IS SLEEP NECESSARY? 7 hours sleep debt =1 nights sleep Research: sleep debt of 3-8 hours will produce noticeable effects on our performance. Which is the same as losing about one night’s sleep a week. Research shows that having a sleep debt of as little as 3 – 8 hours will produce noticeable effects on our performance.
Real Rest What will suffer? Learning and reasoning abilities Get Real Series Real Rest What will suffer? Learning and reasoning abilities Safety and efficiency Communication skills Relationships Safety What will suffer? Learning and reasoning abilities Safety and efficiency Communication skills Relationships Safety
Real Rest What will suffer? General health = immunity and happiness Get Real Series Real Rest What will suffer? General health = immunity and happiness Thinking ability and mental efficiency Lack of focus Distracted or forget General health such as the levels of immunity and happiness It affects our thinking ability and mental efficiency. It can become difficult to focus on a task you are busy with. You keep getting distracted or forget what you are doing or thinking.
Real Rest What will suffer? Get Real Series Real Rest What will suffer? Lack of sleep is as harmful to a driver as is drinking alcohol. Lack of sleep will leave its effects on your life Lack of sleep is as harmful to a driver as is drinking alcohol. Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, the lack of sleep will leave it effects on your life.
Could it be that you have short changed yourself on sleep? Get Real Series Real Rest What will suffer? Nothing seems to come together Many unnecessary silly mistakes? Day feeling sleepy You may have days when nothing seems to come together? Or you make many unnecessary silly mistakes? You spend the day feeling sleepy. Could it be that you have short changed yourself on sleep? Could it be that you have short changed yourself on sleep?
BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Get Real Series Real Rest BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Body has Yearly Monthly Weekly and Daily hormonal biorhythms Scientists have discovered that the body has yearly, monthly, weekly and daily hormonal biorhythms.
BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Get Real Series Real Rest BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS The earth going round the sun once a year sets the yearly cycle. In between are the seasons. Your body makes small very subtle changes between summer and winter.
BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Get Real Series Real Rest BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Moon dictate the monthly cycle The sun gives us a daily cycle The phases of the moon dictate the monthly cycle. The sun gives us a daily cycle. But a weekly cycle? And a weekly cycle?
BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Get Real Series Real Rest BODY CLOCKS AND BIORHYTHMS Moon dictate the monthly cycle The sun gives us a daily cycle There is no reason for having a week excepting that God told us in the Bible that He gave us a weekly cycle at creation. He set in us this weekly rhythm that calls us to meet with Him in a special way on the special day. A day to have a date with Him. And a weekly cycle?
WHAT DO THESE BIORHYTHMS DO? Get Real Series Real Rest WHAT DO THESE BIORHYTHMS DO? Influence behaviour: Mental, Physical and Spiritual WHAT DO THESE BIORHYTHMS DO? They influence our mental, physical and spiritual behaviour.
WHAT DO THESE BIORHYTHMS DO? Get Real Series Real Rest WHAT DO THESE BIORHYTHMS DO? Influence behaviour: Go to sleep Wake up Hormone release Body temperature Etc. Our body clock influences when we go to sleep and wake up, when each hormone needs to be released and exactly how much, it helps regulate body temperature and other important bodily functions. You help these clocks by choosing to be regular in your habits. You help these clocks…
Real Rest The pineal gland Most Important Trigger: Light and Dark Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland Most Important Trigger: Light and Dark This is where the pineal gland comes into the story. The Pineal gland has a big pea size that lies under the base of the brain. It’s most important trigger is light and dark.
Real Rest The pineal gland Most Important Trigger: Light = quiet Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland Most Important Trigger: Light = quiet Dark = stimulated Work simple before bright lights in homes Hormones produced It is stimulated by darkness and light quietens it down. Its working was very simple when we didn’t have bright lights to lighten the darkness in our homes at night. Most of us now fill our homes with bright lights right up to the time that we go to bed. This lessens the amount of hormones produced by the pineal gland.
Real Rest The pineal gland Produces: 4 Hormones In the dark Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland Produces: 4 Hormones In the dark Highest levels just before midnight! This pineal gland is now shown to produce 4 hormones. Each of these hormones is produced in the DARK and reach their highest levels just BEFORE MIDNIGHT. Their levels drop after midnight. You need to be in bed by 9pm in winter and 10 pm in summer.
Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Mood hormone Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Mood hormone Deep Sleep Pain Killer There is a mood hormone which explains why adults and children are not happy when they have not had enough sleep. Another puts you into deep sleep and is a natural pain killer.
Staying awake longer will help cure insomnia Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland Myth? Staying awake longer will help cure insomnia Some think staying awake longer will help cure insomnia
Real Rest The pineal gland Myth? Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland Myth? If you want a deep quality sleep then go to bed early The quality sleep hours are before midnight If you want a deep quality sleep then go to bed early. The quality sleep hours are before midnight.
Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Slows ageing and increases your ability to learn Wake Early Do something useful Special Time with God? Another hormone slows ageing and increases your ability to learn. Waking early is okay. Get up and do something useful. It can become a very special time with God.
Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Get Real Series Real Rest The pineal gland What hormones are these? Melatonin is a hormone that helps to repair and rejuvenate your body It also sets your sleep wake cycle. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to repair and rejuvenate your body. It also sets your sleep wake cycle. When our biorhythms are confused we can be troubled by specific healthy problems or diseases.
Real Rest Abnormal Biorhythms They are associated with: Obesity Get Real Series Real Rest Abnormal Biorhythms They are associated with: Obesity Diabetes Depression Bipolar disorder Seasonal affective disorder Abnormal biorhythms have been associated with obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder (depression in winter). They fit together like a hand in a glove.
Real Rest Abnormal Biorhythms Remember: Light and Darkness Get Real Series Real Rest Abnormal Biorhythms Remember: Light and Darkness Develop predictable lifestyle patterns and help yourself to a better quality life. Remember, light and darkness are the main triggers in setting your rhythms. Develop predictable lifestyle patterns and help yourself to a better quality life. With light and darkness in a spiritual sense, it works exactly the same. Our connection with God becomes empty or challenged
Tomorrow night = Real Balance Get Real Series Tomorrow night = Real Balance Challenge yourself to develop regular lifestyle patterns. You may just surprise yourself with an increased level of well being. Our next presentation is about Real Balance in life.