WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR COMING! Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success. -Henry Ford Please sign up for Remind! It’s easy, just text: @mrsreed106 to, 81010 (you don’t need the app) WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR COMING! Please find your child’s seat and begin filling out the paper clipped information. THANKS! To: 81010 Message: @reedrem
9th year
First Grade Daily Schedule 7:50-8:10 Arrival Routine and Morning work 8:10-8:25 Community 8:25-8:35 Calendar 8:35-9:00 Word Study/Shared Reading 9:00-10:15 Reading Interactive Reading (15) Guided Reading (45) 10:15-10:50 Writing Workshop Interactive Writing (10) Writing Workshop 10:50-11:20 Lunch 11:20-11:50 Recess 11:50-12:05 Daily Review 12:05-1:05 Math 1:05-1:50 Science/ Social Studies 1:50-2:25 SPARKLE Time 2:25-3:20 SPECIALS 3:20 Dismissal
We use a balanced literacy approach. Shared reading Interactive reading story elements, comprehension strategies Guided reading Daily 5: read to self, read to someone, work on writing, word work, listen to reading
Handwriting Without Tears letter formation Writing Workshop Interactive Writing- share the pen Mini lesson Independent writing time Personal Narratives Poetry How To All About
Words Their Way Word Families Spelling Stages Practice Spelling Test
Balanced Math Investigations Envisions Calendar Daily Rein forcers Problem Solving
Hands on Observation Wizard Wednesday
Mon-Thurs in blue folder Reading/Spelling/Math Home readers/sight words
Fruit/ Snack Break There will be a short fifteen minute snack time offered to your child every morning. Each student is responsible for bringing his/her own snack and water each morning. Please keep it healthy, SIMPLE and MESS FREE. Please pack snacks separately from lunch box.
Our “brunch” lunch time is from 10:50-11:20. Please have some lunch money in their account for an emergency Talk to your kiddos about extras We ask that your child bring a packed lunch the first week of school. Only your child may eat lunch with you at the visitors table Your child MUST memorize their lunch account number Please send in any money in BAGGIE, SECURED with name and teacher name
Blue Daily Folder with monthly calendar. Please clean out folder daily. Please email me from EVERY email address that you would like to receive communication to. Helen.reed@humbleisd.net Please put your child’s name in the subject line. Please let me know if you are NOT receiving emails weekly Our weekly newsletter will go out the Friday before the following week.
VOLUNTEERS I can always use an additional pair of hands to help with all those extra “teacher duties”. I am in need of helpers who can come on a regular basis (weekly), as well as helpers who would prefer I send home “assignments” with your child. Please fill out the volunteer sign-up if you would like to help out in any way. Workroom Volunteers Cut/ staple at home Art Masterpiece Junior Achievement Library Readers Room Parents
Wear your Greentree Shirt on Fridays Please leave the completed paper clipped paperwork on your child’s desk. Walkers need a back up plan for rainy day dismissal PE will be on Tuesday& Friday- wear tennis shoes Store bought treats are acceptable Parent contact list Please keep a lg. baggie of extra clothes in your child’s backpack at all times. PLEASE email me your email addresses!! Activity Fee $25-Greentree/ $10- Greentree PTA School Supplies Wish List
Thank you for being an active participant in your child’s education Thank you for being an active participant in your child’s education. And of course, thank you for being involved at Greentree Elementary. I look forward to sharing the 2017-2018 school year with you and your family. I can’t wait to make lifelong memories with your child. We are in this together, and I want this year to be the best experience for your child!