The Dairy Research Foundation 2017 Symposium Ian Halliday July 2017
strategic investments Building large strategic investments
DairyBio Delivery Priorities Introduce a heat tolerance trait Introduce genomics for calving ease/gestation length Deliver new innovations in fertility (male and female) Improve Feed Saved and make it possible for a methane trait Develop new traits with a focus on health and resilience
DataGene: scope and ethos Easier Data Entry Information Access Decision making Faster Data Driven Decisions R&D to Paddock Results Better Farm Profits Leadership Collaboration Smarter Tools Research Efficiencies DataGene is an industry organisation dedicated to enabling better data-driven decisions on farm DataGene covers: producing breeding values (replacing the work of ADHIS) supplying the software to run herd test centres, such as DairyExpress creating the Central Data Repository to allow data to move freely between on farm systems and industry databases Why do we care about Genetics? Because it is worth an extra $25 million in profit per year to increase our rate of genetic gain. ImProving Herds, an Gardiner Foundation and industry project, is demonstrating the impact of genetics on farm profit. The top 50% of cows based on their genetics last longer and produce more over their bottom 50% peers. The top 50% create $150-$235 profit per year At the low end, it means $45,000 profit per year for an average herd of 300 The Central Data Repository Allows data to move freely between industry and on-farm software Links data that hasn’t been linked before => moving towards performance prediction rather performance analysis Using the data farmers already create to inform better, easier, faster and smarter decisions by farmers and their advisors
Cows in high BPI sub herds made a greater contribution to farm profit…. Contribute between $150 and $235 more to farm profit each year 265 – 434 more Litres of Milk 20 – 26 more kg of fat 19 more kg of protein 4 extra months of lifetime lactation Higher feed costs offset by extra milk income & saved rearing costs
strategic investments Building large strategic investments