Women in WWII
Typical 40’s Woman House wife Homemaker Once you got married that was it
Women in the Military Women aviators- WASP and WAFS The Navy WAVES- Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service Woman's Army Auxiliary Corps-WAAC Eleanor Roosevelt General Eisenhower-North Africa
Women called for duty Women needed to fill the vacancies in the labor force Problems? Prejudices and “Woman’s place in society” Industrial leaders convinced the government that women joining the workforce would help win the war
Billboards New Billboard campaigns aimed at women “If you followed recipes exactly in making cakes, you can learn to load a shell.”
Women joining the Workforce “Rosie the Riveter”-opened up possibilities for women of the future. By 1943-1/3rd of workforce NW-loggers, “Lumberjills” Garbage trucks, railroads, steam rollers, taxis Best pay-war industry Welding and riveting Giant cranes Loading shells Assembling airplanes
Volunteering Women used the skills that they already knew to help them in volunteering Red cross Nurses aids Drive ambulances Veterans Issues USO
Women in Entertainment USO Tours Provide entertainment, food, company and good cheer for lonely servicemen USO dances
The Pin-Up Memphis Belle New type of art work and posters Pin-up’s
Women in baseball “A League of their Own” ALL-American Girls Professional League-1943-1954 Created by Philip K Wrigley Skirts and etiquette classes
What happened when the men returned? 2 million women lost their jobs Some readily returned to homemaker “The Kitchen-women’s big post-war goals” Roles were forever changed Legislation Women in the workforce