Prenatal monitoring
Amniocentesis Used to determine if specific genetic disorders may be present in a baby. Amniocentesis detects chromosome abnormalities, neural tube defects and genetic disorders. Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 is the most common chromosome abnormality. Genetic disorders include disorders like cystic fibrosis.
Amniocentesis Usually completed in the last Trimester of pregnancy Risks: Miscarriage occurs 1 our of every 400 women
Amniocentesis Video
Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS is a diagnostic procedure which involves removing some chorionic villi cells from the placenta at the point where it attaches to the uterine wall. This test is different from amniocentesis in that it does not allow for testing for neural tube defects.
Chorionic Villus Sampling Can be completed in the first 10- 13 weeks The CVS procedure collects larger samples and provides faster results than amniocentesis. Risks: Miscarriage occurs 1 our of every 100 women
Chorionic Villus Sampling Video
Amniocentesis or Chorionic Villus Sampling? Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two procedures. Decide which test Judy’s Doctor should recommend. Write a one paragraph summary defending your recommendation.
In addition… Both tests can determine the gender of the baby by analyzing the karyotype. What is a Karyotype, and what can it tell us about an unborn child?
Female Sex Chromosome Karyotype The 22 autosomes are numbered by size. The other two chromosomes, X and Y, are the sex chromosomes.
Male Sex Chromosome Karyotype The 22 autosomes are numbered by size. The other two chromosomes, X and Y, are the sex chromosomes.
Judy’s Amniocentesis Judy’s amniocentesis results all come back normal. Judy goes in to the doctor regularly for ultrasound examinations and for monitoring of her weight, blood pressure, and glucose levels.
Baby Smith’s Karyotype Boy or Girl?
Ultrasonography U/S use high frequency sound waves to gain a continuous picture of the moving fetus. Movements such as fetal heart beat and malformations in the fetus can be assessed and measurements can be made accurately on the images displayed on the screen. Assessment of gestational age, size and growth in the fetus is also measured.
Ultrasound Images of James and Judy’s Child December 6th, 2013
Five Weeks Gestation
Eight Weeks Gestation
Twelve Weeks Gestation
Sixteen Weeks Gestation It’s a BOY!!!! Sixteen Weeks Gestation Gender is Revealed