IRA Income Tax Elimination Do You Have Clients taking RMDs From Their IRAs? If Yes, Stop Reinvesting the RMD Monies and Consider a Strategy That Enhances Their Legacy. IRA $500,000 IRA Taxes $200,000 Beneficiaries $300,000 Absence of Strategy 2 Questions: If things go the way you have planned, what is going to happen to your IRA? Why don’t you give your IRA to your beneficiaries today? IRA $500,000 RMD’s Life Insurance $200,000 IRA Income Tax Offset Strategy #1 IRA Taxes $200,000 Beneficiaries $500,000 Strategy #2 IRA Income Tax Elimination IRA $500,000 Life Insurance $500,000 RMD’s Beneficiaries $500,000 Charity $500,000 Tax-Free Total $1,000,000 Strategy #3 Legacy Enhancement IRA $500,000 RMD’s + Growth Life Insurance $1,660,489 Beneficiaries $1,660,489 Tax-Free Total $2,178,902 Charity $500,000 3 Point Value Proposition: Keep your IRA in your Care, Custody and Control; Potentially double or triple the value of your legacy; and Take no additional investment risk in your portfolio.