Dynastic China 13 ruling dynasties from 2100BC until 1912AD Early dynasties developed paper, gun powder, working clocks, porcelain and other technological advances Traded with the Europeans along the Silk Road Some dynasties were highly organized, almost modern, bureaucracies based on civil service examinations Other dynasties were ruled by warlords or outside conquering forces
Decline of Dynastic China Peasants lost land, floods were common, and Western/foreign pressures contributed to its decline Members of a Buddhist cult led the White Lotus Rebellion, a peasant uprising against taxes and government inefficiency After the overthrow of the last Qing emperor (age 5), China became a republic (1912-1949) A republic means citizens elect representatives to control government & policy
The Republic of China Put an end to more than 2000 years of imperial rule Government ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT) The largest challenge to their power was the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
The Long March In 1934, the KMT forced the CCP retreat to northwest China This year-long ordeal allowed Mao Zedong to get total control of the CCP and begin his Communist propaganda plan
WWII Japan invaded Manchuria September 1931 and set up the former Qing Emperor as the head of a puppet government The Japanese military was extremely violent its rampage of China throughout World War II KMT leader Chiang Kai-shek was forced to partner with the CCP against the Japanese With support from the US and USSR, the Japanese were forced out and surrendered in 1945
Conflict with the Soviets Although allies against the Japanese during WWII, the KMT and the CCP returned to their struggle for control of China Even though KMT forces were much larger, they were worn out from fighting the Japanese The CCP “People’s Liberation Army” were rested and fighting a moral, not political, fight
Communist Revolution Starting in 1946, the CCP conquered each region of China The CCP captured the capital of Nanjing April 23, 1949 October 1, Chaing Kai-shek and the KMT government fled to Taiwan while Mao Zedong declared the formation of the People’s Republic of China (Communist)
The Great Leap Forward Mao attempted to get rid of any Western influences & make a truly communist country He collectivized farms, forced all foreign steel to be melted down to produce “Chinese steel,” and began civil engineering projects without the input of experts The consequences were wide-spread famine with18-42 million deaths and a country-wide economic collapse
Cultural Revolution Mao outlawed religion and Western cultural influences When the Great Leap Forward failed, Mao turned his concentration to “anti-Chinese treasons” from 1966 to his death in 1976 Religious artifacts were destroyed; scholars, artists and religious authorities were imprisoned or executed This was an era of fear and propaganda
Life After Mao Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping succeed Mao as the leaders of the CCP Once Deng took control, he immediately put an end to violence and oppression of the Cultural Revolution China began to strengthen its economy by using a Western, market model
Life After Mao Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping succeed Mao as the leaders of the CCP Once Deng took control, he immediately put an end to violence and oppression of the Cultural Revolution China began to reinvigorate its economy by using a Western, market model However, he did not westernize any aspects of government or social life
Tiananmen Square Massacre People (mostly students) upset with the Communist Party began a pro-democracy protest in Tiananmen Square starting April 1989 Younger people were influenced by Western media and culture Beginning on the evening of June 3rd, the military is sent to remove the 50-100K protesters People attempted to block the tanks Under martial law, the military was ordered to clear the square by 6:00 Between 4-6K were killed The event was publicized by the Western media The CCP was highly criticized and even condemned by governments in Western and Eastern Europe, non-communist Asia and the United States
Modern China 4th largest country by area The most populated country 1.3 Billion 23% of the world’s population 1 child policy to slow population growth Moving toward a market economy Still a communist government World’s fastest growing economy Over 2% GDP growth every year Environmental pollution 2 children allowed if both parents are only children OR rural family’s first child is a girl or disabled
Tiananmen Square Doc…