% Improvements across 2015/16 Voice of the Customer Customer Satisfaction Survey - March 2016 The Customer Satisfaction Survey We survey our customers every quarter as part of our on going focus on great service and great value. We use the survey to assure the NHSBT Executive and Board that we are delivering to our ambition to be the best organisation of our type in the world. We rely on feedback and survey responses from our hospital colleagues to help us with this ambition and to direct our attention for improvement. Overall Satisfaction with NHSBT – score of 9 & 10/10 A tale of two halves Hospital Services, Testing and Manufacturing Our range of components, ease of ordering and the customer care offered by our Hospital Services teams continues to be well regarded. We are very pleased to see such high levels of satisfaction and will continue to strive for improvement. So what are we doing to make our services even better…………………………… 1)We have had a close look at complaints and feedback from the survey and are taking action to reduce the causes of complaints to ensure the right components arrive at hospitals at the right time and in perfect condition. 2)We continue to work closely with hospitals to help predict demand, especially at peak times and ensure we have stocks available. 3)We recognise that we have had challenges with group A RhD negative platelets and are working to improve supply. 74% Component Quality and Range 88% Component Availability 73% Component Ordering 69% Hospital Services 73% As we move into the new financial year it’s a good time to look back 12 months and see what we can learn from last year. The great news is that we have made huge leaps forward in customer satisfaction across the board. Looking at the first half to the second half year we see a step change with big % increases. I’m sure you will have noticed the improvements we’ve made but rest assured we constantly seek to be as easy as possible to do business with. Chris Philips Head of Hospital Customer Service % Improvements across 2015/16 Components – quality and range 31% Ordering 19% Component availability 32% Hospital Services 9% Routine deliveries 23% Ad hoc deliveries Emergency deliveries RCI – referral 16% RCI – turnaround time 22% RCI - report 25% RCI – overall H&I – overall 26% Customer service support Clinical support 17% NHSBT overall Ease of doing business Transport This quarter we asked our customers to rate the service provided by NHSBT drivers as well as our appointed couriers, TNT. Our drivers get a resounding ‘thumbs up’ , with 92% of customers scoring them 9 or 10/10. Having couriers on hand to support our service helps us maintain our costs and ensure deliveries are made on time. We are working with TNT to improve driver training and the service they provide on our behalf. So what are we doing to make our services better…………………………… 1) We’re working with Cranfield University to explore ways to improve deliveries 2) We’ve completed a detailed review in Sheffield to help us improve nationally 3) Our customer service managers are reviewing the service at each centre. Routine Delivery 54% Ad-hoc Delivery 59% Emergency Delivery 86% Diagnostic Services RCI continue to make steady progress and have continuous improvement at the heart of their services. We have seen a big increase in complimentary feedback that accentuates the efforts being made. Our H&I cross match service for HLA/HPA platelets and the responsiveness of the team to hospital transfusion laboratories continues to be highly regarded. So what are we doing to make our services better…………………………… 1) Improvement events are being run across RCI’s services 2) RCI and Customer Service Managers are out and about listening to customers to help improve mutual understanding 3) A survey for H&I’s stem cell customers is to be launched. 74% RCI referral 62% RCI test time 56% RCI report 59% RCI overall 56% H&I Voice of the Customer and the Customer Satisfaction Survey are provided by Hospital Customer Services. Please contact your Customer Service Manager for further details. 1