What is Autism? A persuasive Developmental Disorder which is most commonly found these days Neurodevelopmental Disorder Symptoms appear from the age of 3 to 5 years Can be found out after details physical and neurological check-up unknown causes intervene at very early stage incurable Autism is one of the Persuasive Development Disorders (PDD) which is also termed as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). It is a neurological disease which is identified in the first three years of a person's life. Doctors don't know the exact cause of Autism but according to them it depends on the hereditary factors. There is no proper treatment for Autism but doctors suggest primary interference, intense therapies, exercise, and teaching should be included in autistic person's life as they have proven to be very affected to enable them to live like other normal children.
Physiognomies of Autism Unable to socialize comfortably Late linguistic development Late growth Extremely sensitive Slow at reacting Repeats same actions again and again Lack of self motivation Inability to engage in social interactions and associate with people is one of the main symptoms and a major issue of autistic kids. They are unable to make friends at school and find it very difficult to control their behaviors such as crying, vocal surges or behaviors which can be dangerous for them. Issues with speech involve two extreme point such as spending whole life without uttering a single word or having extremely large collection of words. Even though, some of them do have large library of vocabulary but they are unable to use it appropriately to engage in proper conversation. Autism can be diagnosed by studying the behavior of the kids such as their sensitivity, unable to cope with the normal sensory activities, late reaction towards touch, motion, visuals or audial, physical awkwardness or sloppiness, not aware of his own body, can easily be carried away with certain tasks, behaving harsh physical or vocally, doing activities with at elevated or low level, unable to calm down independently, unable to learn new postures of motion, unable to transit from one task to another, having social or mental issues or sometimes both, late speech, linguistic and motor skills, unable to achieve certain goals and unable to achieve academically. There are certain actions which have been noticed in an autistic kid which include repeating one thing again and again like flapping arms continuously, toe wiggling, watching one movie or film again and again, aligning toys for hours instead of playing with them.
Applied Behavior Examination A scientifically approved method to comprehend a behavior Highlights the facts which illustrate the process of learning Built on optimistic strengthening utilizing various methods to enhance the beneficial conduct Usage of methods which can diminish undesirable conduct is a website about autism and it explains that behavior examination is the most scientifically authenticated method which assists to comprehends the conducts and what are environmental affects on it. Behavior analysis emphases on the rules that illustrates the process of learning. Optimistic motivation is applies and it explains that if a certain act is followed by a present or a reward, that particular act is more often repeated. Undesirable and bad behavior diminishes eventually. This explains that if the good behaviors are rewarded and bad conducts are ignored, with the passage of time, the child start learning to act in the best possible way towards the stimulus. Behavior analysis theory stresses on rewarding or disregarding conducts but not ignoring the kid.
Optical Methods One of the simplest and strongest type of assistance It can be a tangible and intellectual yet simple Can be used in the classrooms and in may ways Management Instructions Sustenance Conduct Visual aids are of the most widely used methods which are used in the teaching methodologies for the autistic kids. Students can show the powerful areas in the tangible thinking, repetitive retention, comprehending the association between the visual and spatial, the problem in the intellectual thinking, cognition, interaction and consideration in relation to socialization. Students can learn how to manage their daily routines, tasks at schools and their activities' boards through visual aids. Once the directions have been written for the students, they assist in understand and can also be used as reminders to help organizing the routines and behavior graphs.
Low-Tech Assistive Tools Message Board Cards to show the break schedules Cards which help them to make choices Cards which show the completion of the tasks Cards with them clues about the new topics Communication Input System The lives of the autistic kids and their families can be improved with the help of assistive tools. Message boards can be used as one type of the low-tech assistive tool. This boards helps children to manage their routines by selecting the right cards, they can choose a picture to show how they feel and are able to interact with the instructors easily. Break cards are one of the examples. Kids choose them when they want to tell their teachers that they need a break. Another form of card is choice cards which teach the kids to make choices between different options; they can the choose the topic they want to work on or discuss about. There are cards which are called all done cards. Kids use these cards to let their teachers know that they have completed the given tasks and the topic ring cards are chosen by the kids for the similar purpose such as to choose the type of work they want to do. There is a system called speech input system which is used by the student who are non-verbal. This system consists of buttons which are pressed by the students to make choices and once the button is pressed, the devices speaks about that particular choice.
High-Tech Assistive Tools Computers Interactive Whiteboards iPads Applications High tech assistive tools are also very good for the learners as they enhance their learning process. Devices such as computers, I-pads, computerized whiteboards with the ability to interact with special learning software are all very supportive for the students to improve their abilities.
Reference Autism Speaks. 2012. Applied Behavior Analysis. Retrieved August 6, 2012 from: Autism Spectrum Disorder. n.d Retrieved From: British Columbia Ministry of Education. 2000. Teaching Children with Autism. Retrieved from: Livestrong. 2011. Assistive Technology for Autistic Children. Retrieved from: technology-for-autistic-children/