2014/15 Fourth Quarter Results Standing Committee on Finance
Introduction The Commission in adherence to the Public Finance Management Act has submitted the following fourth quarterly results to the National Treasury. Sufficient governance and internal control measures are in place to ensure the Commission’s mandate is carried out in an effective and efficient manner.
4th Quarter Performance information The Commission undertook the following in terms of its mandate Parliament Submission on the 2015 Division of Revenue of Revenue Bill Standing Committee on Appropriations and Select Committee on Appropriations Submission on the2015 Fiscal Frameworks and Revenue Proposals Standing and Select Committees on Finance Submission on the 2015 Appropriations Bill Standing Committee on Appropriations
Performance Cont.. Parliamentary Requests: Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training DHET Strategic Plan, APP, Budget and Audit Outcomes Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries DAFF Strategic Plan, APP, Budget and Audit Outcomes Portfolio Committee on Economic Development DED Strategic Plan, APP, Budget and Audit Outcomes
Performance Cont… Other Organs of State KZN Cogta Department of Health Task Team (Ministerial Task team on health data advisory) Municipal Demarcation Board Task Team (Ongoing work on municipal viability and demarcation) National Treasury Task (Reference Group on the review of the Local Government Conditional Grants) SALGA NMA Review of the LGFF current work KZN Cogta Demarcation and financial sustainability issues
Performance Cont.. Tabling of the ‘Household Vulnerability to Climate Change Disasters: The Case of Two South African Provinces’ report on 4 February 2015 in Parliament and a press conference on 5 February 2015. Finalisation and tabling with Parliament of the 20th Anniversary Conference Report on 4 February 2015. Conducted Policy Costing Workshop to Researchers at Parliament
Performance Cont… Publication of technical report , policy briefs, journal and book chapter publications as well as meeting all targets for library transactions and reference acquisition Presented at Limpopo Provincial Treasury Workshop on Public Sector Corporate Governance and Ethical Workshop that was held from 16th – 18th February
Corporate/Admin Recruitment completed for three vacancies in research and appointment of three interns Lease agreement with Public Works Department still not finalised Matter has been raised at the highest level with Ministers of Finance and Public Works Matter outstanding since March 2014 Currently Commission is operating on a month by month basis which is a very significant risk
Achievements Finalised Annual Enterprise Risk Assessment and Fraud prevention framework during the quarter. Ensured the continuous monitoring and reporting of identified risks throughout the Commission. Biggest risk is with current load shedding and sometimes unreliable water supply to the office premises Have put in place measures to mitigate the risks which are generally beyond our control
Research Lekgotla, 15-16 January 2013 Other Work Forum for Institutions Supporting Democracy Presidential Remuneration Review Commission Heads of Entities falling under Minister of Finance Research Lekgotla, 15-16 January 2013
4th Quarter Financial Performance Annual Budget 4th Quarter Budget 4th Quarter Actuals Variance for 4th Quarter Revenue 44 488 000 8 488 000 9 358 499 (870 499) Total (870 499 ) Expenses: Employee Cost 21 646 836 5 611 709 6 156 991 (545 282) Building and Premises Cost 2 223 150 455 787 382 529 73 259 Proffessional Cost 7 894 451 873 613 849 638 23 975 Other Operating Expenditure 12 299 817 1 436 891 1 328 180 108 711 Capital Expenditure 423 747 110 000 72 985 37 015 8 790 322 (339 336 ) Surplus/(Deficit) 568 177
Commentary Additional funding of 800 thousand rands received to aid with replacing obsolete assets Temporary staff costs incurred during the period for employee on extended sick leave, and recruitment costs for vacant position during the financial year. Cost containment measures implemented in cleaning and repairs and maintenance costs Cost containment measures implemented in printing and stationery and travel expenses during the quarter.