Introduction to Programming Welcome to CS 115! Introduction to Programming
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Personnel Instructor:Tawfiq Salem Supervisor: Dr. Debby Keen Office hours – Wednesday in 103RGAN We should agree on another time ! Office: Davis Marksbury Building,Lab 304 Course website: Email – Supervisor: Dr. Debby Keen Email: Office: Davis Marksbury Building, 215
Thank you very much!!
Laptop Policies Lecture Studies show most students with laptops open in front of them are NOT paying attention to the lecture IF you insist on using a laptop in lecture, you MUST sit in the very BACK row of the classroom, so that you distract only yourself and not other students Lab There are sufficient computers in each lab for every student but you can use your own laptop if you wish
Textbook and Supplies Textbook is online book by Zyante “zybook” $48 Students are responsible for material in chapters that are in schedule and material covered in lectures Another online book: Textbook is a Free interactive web site You do not have to have an account nor a login. Here is the direct link to the book.
Software we will use Python Open source and Free from Get version 3.x – right now is 3.3 Easy to install on your machine, already in labs Includes IDLE Development Environment WingIDE 101 (optional but better than IDLE) free Less prone to crashes than IDLE from
For Attendance – on one 3x5 card Write your NAME Write the DATE Write your SECTION AND on the front of the card ...
GOALS - write them down What are your goals for this class? That is, what do you want to learn? How much time do you expect to spend on this class OUTSIDE of lecture and lab time?
The goals of the class are To acquire an understanding of computer architecture and data representations (variables, representation of numbers and character strings) To learn basic algorithmic problem-solving techniques (decision structures, loops, functions) To be able to use and understand classes To be able to design, document, implement and test solutions to programming problems
Experience in Programming This class assumes NO experience in programming It does assume some experience with computers and Windows copying files, printing navigating paths Plan around 10 hours a week outside of class
Why learn to program? it’s required in my major I use programs to analyze the data I run in my lab experiments in my major I found out I like to do it! I need to communicate with other people about programming it is a good career
Your Grade is Based on: Attendance and Class Participation 5 % Lab Assignments 20% Homework assignments (from zyBook, etc.) Programming Assignments 20 % Midterm lab exam 10 % Final lab exam Lecture Midterm Exam 15 % Lecture Final Exam (Comprehensive) 15 %
If you Must have a certain grade Tell me about it NOW! We are willing to work with you all semester long to achieve your goal DO NOT wait until the end of the semester and say “But I have to have a … whatever”
Tests during the Semester Lecture Tests are: Midterm Friday, July 7 Final Exam Wednesday, August 2 closed note, closed book Lab Tests are: Lab Test 1 Thursday, July 6 Lab Test 2 Thursday, August 3 open note, open book
Class Locations Lecture - (MWF) MMRB 243 Lab - (TR) RGAN 103
Due Dates/Times Labs: A demonstration of the lab tasks must be completed IN THE LAB on or before the due date in order to get credit. After your demonstration in the lab, you must upload the assignment via CSPORTAL before you leave the lab this is your proof that you completed the lab successfully. Labs are for learning. DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT'S SOLUTION AND TURN IT IN AS YOURS.
Plagiarism / Cheating “Getting an unfair academic advantage" using other people's code as your own attempt to make code appear to work when it does not NO assistance from someone else on Lab or Lecture tests The work you turn in MUST be your OWN.
Cheating, cont'd Do NOT show your source code to any other student - Protect your source code! Do not post your code on the Internet! If you talk to anyone outside the class, do not let anyone give you code or dictate code to you! YOU are the one writing it!
Cooperative Work On the other hand! “Talk to your neighbor” or cooperative activities in lectures Lab assignments –
Accommodation Please tell me about it if you have a letter - as soon as possible! Letters are not retroactive! We can arrange both lecture and lab tests to be accommodated
Mythbusting about CS 115 It's a 100-level course, it's EASY! or not much work! or trivial! (It’s not) You can cram the night before the tests and get through the course ok (you can’t) You can wait until the day the programs are due to start work on them (you can’t) You can just memorize code (you can’t) it’s mostly CS majors! (it isn’t)
Make Yourself a Study Plan for CS 115 When and where you will study What materials you will need to study What rewards you will give yourself if you follow your study plan How you plan to prepare for tests What you will do about test anxiety What you will do when you miss a class
What to do next Make your study plan Read Chapter 1 and 2 of textbook Work on Lab 1 Make sure your University account is activated Labs DO start next Tuesday! You will be asked to interpret and run a program! practice the tutorial