Basics of Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Jeopardy! Round One This presentation is based on the APICS BSCM body of knowledge. The express goal of this tool is to help students better master the BSCM body of knowledge. The contents of this presentation have NOT been reviewed by any other APICS professionals and do not necessarily represent an official opinion on the part of APICS or the Central Indiana APICS chapter.
The Rules of the Game . . . Close your books and put away your notes Your team is allowed a clean sheet of paper, pen/pencil & calculator Select a team captain and create a team name Teams will take turns selecting a question from the main screen Every team will determine the best answer and their Captain will indicate their choice when time is up. Time is up when: The team in control is ready, OR All other teams are ready
The Rules of the Game . . . SCORING RULES (multiple choice round): If the team in control is correct, only that team scores If the team in control is wrong, all teams answering correctly will score Teams failing to show an answer when time is up will not score for that question FINAL JEOPARDY SCORING: Teams will be shown the topic area of the final question Team captains will choose how many of their points earned from the main round will be wagered Teams will see the question and must provide an accurate response If correct, the points wagered will be added to the team point total If wrong, the points wagered will be subtracted from the team total
“The instructor has final decision on all disagreements” The Rules of the Game . . . THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: “The instructor has final decision on all disagreements”
Introduction Demand Management Capacity & PAC Master Planning MRP 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600
Name three of the primary inputs to the Master Production Schedule Final Jeopardy Answer: Production Plan Forecast for end item & option Customer orders Additional independent demand Inventory Status Capacity constraints / RCCP Name three of the primary inputs to the Master Production Schedule Round One Final Jeopardy Topic: The MPS Visual 3-24