How to care for a leopard geckos
Leopard geckos Leopard geckos are one of the easiest pets to take care of if it’s your first or second pet.They only really need to eat once or twice a day mostly once.
What they eat They eat 5-7 things a day they eat hornworms,superworms,mealworms,and crickets.Wax worms are like a treat for them(also to add fat).Calci worms(to add calcium in a natural way. No picture of calci worms.
How to handle them You have to try to hold them every day.So they can get used to you.If anyone new comes over you shouldn’t let it out cause it’ll be scared.Also if you have two male and one female the males will fight.
Dangers If you get a heat rock you shouldn’t use it cause it will burn them.If you have a dog or cat don’t let them get it.
Diseases You don’t have to worry about MBD(Metabolic Bone Disease) because they’re nocturnal they’ve evolved to draw vitamin D out of crickets and what the crickets eat.There is this other disease I found out about it’s called ankloblepharon I don’t know anything about it.MBD is when the bones formation is messed up.
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