WISE Attitude/Etiquette & Research
Attitude Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances than what other people think, do, or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a person, a company, a family a home. The remarkable thing about our attitude is that we have a choice each day as to what attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one force we have, and that is our ATTITUDE.
Mentee Etiquette By this point you have chosen a mentor. It is up to you to arrange weekly meeting times that work for your mentor. Send your journal to your mentor before your scheduled meeting. You should bring your journal, questions and research to these meetings. Use this person as a resource and a sounding board. They are there to support you! IF YOU SHOULD NEED TO CANCEL BE SURE TO NOTIFY YOUR MENTOR PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING! Within the next couple of weeks you should be deciding on whether you will complete an internship. IT IS NOT UP TO YOUR MENTOR TO FIND A PLACEMENT FOR YOU!! THEY WILL ASSIST YOU, BUT YOU NEED TO MAKE THE CONTACT. THE SAME APPLIES TO CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS.
Internship/Interview Etiquette Once you have made contact for an internship or interview, you should schedule a time to meet. BE ON TIME, BE APPRECIATIVE, AND DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Do your homework prior to the internship. Know information about the business ( what they make or do, how long they have been in business). Document information about the location and observations in your journal. Prior to the interview have a set of prepared questions, be on time, come prepared with either pen and journal or electronic device. Be prepared to ask other questions. Note the setting/environment. Follow up your internship/interviews with an e-mail or note thanking them for their time and the opportunity. You never know when you might make a connection for a job or reference. REMEMBER YOU REPRESENT SHS, WISE AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOURSELF!!!
Research You need to keep up with your research. You are required to develop an Annotated Bibliography. IF YOU USE IT-YOU MUST CITE IT!!!! You should cut out, print or make copies of all of your articles or journals. Note the title, source and date. You can attach them to your journal. Read and discuss your thoughts in your journal. Share your research with your mentor and get their perspective. Ask them for suggestions of other sources. Help each other out, if you find an interesting article that might help someone else, direct them to it or cut it out for them!! Madison Perri: Optometry Luke-Railroads Jacob-Veterans Affairs Jasper-Music/illustration Peter- Marine-diesel mechanic Nick-Firefighter Mareena-Make-up artist Krystal-Tattoo artistry Madeline Armstrong-Stroke Victim services Mia-Occupational Therapy
This is your project! Make sure your project and final presentation reflects you. It could be a display with props, hands on use of your audience, a video, power point, whatever you want it to be! Everyone wants you to be successful, but what you get out of this is up to you!! Keep in mind your mentor and your internship placement will be evaluating you!! HAVE FUN AND MAKE THIS A REWARDING OPPORTUNITY!!!