EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Why is Summer Salary Different than the Academic Year? Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER SALARY FOR GRANTS Many grants allow for faculty to work on their projects outside of the academic year with the opportunity to earn additional salary. These payments are subject to federal, state and university audit protocols. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER SALARY FOR GRANTS 9 month employees may earn additional summer pay. However, on grants: For any combination of summer appointment, they may not exceed 1.0 FTE They may not exceed greater than one month’s additional pay in any given month. They may not exceed 133% of their institutional base pay. 100%-August 16-May 15 33%-May 16-August 15 Summer Salary requests must be for work completed during the period of 05/16/17 through 08/15/17. Note: Some sponsors/awards have more restrictive requirements or caps on rate of pay than described above. The most restrictive policy will apply. Contact OGC for additional information or questions related to grant-specific salary restrictions. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER SALARY FOR GRANTS 11 month employees may earn additional pay. However: For any combination of summer appointment, they may not exceed 1.0 FTE. They may not exceed more than one month’s additional pay during the summer period. They may not exceed greater than one month’s additional pay in any given month. Summer Salary requests must be for work completed during the period of 07/01/17 through 07/31/17. 12 month employees Are not eligible to earn additional pay above their normal 1.0 FTE appointments. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER PAY DATES Summer Salary requests must be for work completed during the period of 05/16/17 through 08/15/17. Summer Salary is not a payment for previous or future effort performed during the academic year. Possible combinations: -1St Summer Session -Monthly -2nd Summer Session -Entire 3 months -Weekly -Bi-weekly Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER SALARY FOR GRANTS Note: The Academic Affairs calendar is 07/01/16-06/30/17. Based on federal guidelines and the effort reporting periods, the Grants calendar for calculating the 133% is 05/16/17-08/15/17. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Getting Started: How Do We Determine the Allowable Summer Salary? Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY The Annual Salary is the amount to be paid. To check the annual Institutional Base Salary minus stipends, check the PEISALH Banner INB Screen or the ECUbic: Annual Salary with FOAP Info by Banner ID or Name This must be mathematically proportional/correct based on the individual’s effort (FTE) and their Institutional Base Salary. The FTE is the amount of effort that relates to the amount of the total salary requested. (This field automatically defaults as 0). **FTE may only be up to 2 decimal places or whole percents. Example: 0.45 not 0.445. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR The Summer Grants calculator serves as the most accurate and consistent tool in helping you determine the allowable salary. There are two tabs: Summer FTE Check & Calculator and Summer Pay 11 month. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY: 133% FORM FOR GRANTS The Summer FTE form serves as a check for compliance (FTE <= 1.0, 133%), a planning worksheet, and a reference sheet for keying your EPAFS. As part of the EPAF packet, you will need to complete the “Summer FTE & Calculator” worksheet in the “Salary and Salary Cap Calculators” Excel Document found on the OGC Forms Page. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY: 133% FORM FOR GRANTS In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Remember the FTE amounts can not exceed 1.0 once we add the grant funding. Repeat this process for each additional grant job. Remember to keep checking your FTE and 133% totals. Note: OGC guidelines are based on calendar year. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Example 1: Salary Calculator Summer FTE Check OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Example 1: Salary Calculator Summer FTE Check Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SALARY CALCULATOR: SUMMER FTE CHECK Enter the individual’s name in cell A5 Example: Doe, John Enter the annual salary minus any stipends in cell B5. Example: $63,649 Enter the Source, FOAP, Grant End Date, Begin and End Date, # of working months, Total Amount, and # of Pays in the respective columns (A-H). The Special Rate will auto populate in column I. Enter your EPAF Transaction Number in Column J when you complete the EPAF. This is especially helpful if you have to do multiple EPAFs for an individual. Enter your assigned FTE/Project Field in the respective columns K-P. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: SUMMER FTE CHECK The individual will be earning a total of $17,680 for the summer, and is under his 133% by $3,536. He could earn an additional $3,536. This information is based on grant guidelines only and may be restricted by AA. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: SUMMER FTE CHECK Based on our data, the only available time he could earn the $3,536 would be between May 16th thru May 31st because he has reached his 1.0 FTE for the other pay periods. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Example 2: Salary Calculator Summer Pay for 9 month Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 Example 2: A 9 month Assistant Professor is working 1 month at 100% on a grant from 6/1-6/30/17 and she… Earns $63,649 annually with no stipends and Is not teaching or completing any additional work during this same time period. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 Begin with your Salary Calculator When opening Salary Calculator Summer 2017, select the Summer FTE & Calculator tab. Begin to fill in the information you already know. Faculty Name Annual Salary Source of Funding FOAP Grant End Date Begin and End Date of the Job Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 Annual Salary: Enter the annual salary of the individual in cell B48. Example: $63,649 Minus Stipend: Stipends cannot be included in the base salary for supplemental earnings. Enter the total amount of stipends the individual earns in cell B49. Example: Individual does not earn a Stipend. Enter $0. Reassigned Effort (% FTE): Enter the amount of effort the individual will be working on the grant in cell B54. Example: Working 100% # of Working Months: Enter the number of months the individual will be working on the grant, where each week will be represented as .25, in cell B59. Example: Working 1 month = 1.0 (See # of Working Month Key) Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 Note: The yearly allowable is $21,216.33 while the monthly pay allowable is $7,072.11 Note: The maximum monthly allowable for supplemental pay from all sources is $7,072.11 Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 To calculate the fields required for your EPAF, refer to the EPAF Percentage Check section of the calculator. For each project (FOAP) in which the individual will be working, enter the FTE in column D, and the amount of supplemental pay in column E. The percentage column will calculate the percentages for each FOAP for the labor distribution on the EPAF (column E). The total FTE and amount of supplemental pay (annual salary on EPAF) will populate in the total line (row 70). Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 2 To calculate the Special Rate, refer to the Expenditure Check section of the calculator. Based on the information you keyed on the EPAF Percentage Check section, your Special Rate will auto-populate and provide a total. NOTE: There will be NO retro payments and no hand drawn checks. You may need to update cell J62 to calculate the correct amount if your EPAF is late. In this case, the Special Rate for 2 pays (1 month) will be $3,536.00 to total $7,072.00 Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: $ AMOUNT TO % EFFORT CONVERSION EXAMPLE 3 Many times the PI/Individual will only give you an amount that they wish to be paid during a specified time period. This section of the calculator will assist you in determining the amount of effort and if the amount requested is within the appropriate range. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: $ AMOUNT TO % EFFORT CONVERSION EXAMPLE 3 Example 3: A 9-month Assistant Professor is working 1.5 months on a grant from 7/1-8/15/17 and wants to be paid $13,000: Earns $63,649 annually with no stipends and Is not teaching or completing any additional work during this same time period. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 3 Begin with your Salary Calculator. When opening Salary Calculator Summer 2017, select the Summer FTE & Calculator Tab. Begin to fill in the information you already know. Faculty Name Annual Salary Source of Funding FOAP Grant End Date Begin and End Date of the Job Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY EXAMPLE 3 Once you have the information entered in the Summer FTE portion, you will begin to work with the salary calculator on the same tab to determine the allowable salary. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: $ AMOUNT TO % EFFORT CONVERSION EXAMPLE 3 Annual Salary: Enter the annual salary of the individual in cell B48. Example: $63,649 Minus Stipend: Stipends cannot be included in the base salary for supplemental earnings. Enter the total amount of stipends the individual earns in cell B49. Example: Individual does not earn a Stipend. Enter $0. Reassigned Effort (% FTE): Enter the amount of effort the individual will be working on the grant in cell B54. Example: Working 100% # of Working Months: Enter the number of months the individual will be working on the grant, where each week will be represented as .25, in cell B59. Example: Working 1 and a half months = 1.5 (See # of Working Month Key) Wishes to Earn: Enter the amount of salary that the individual requested in cell B67. Example: $13,000 Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: $ AMOUNT TO % EFFORT CONVERSION EXAMPLE 3 The Maximum that he could earn working 100% for 1.5 months would be $10,608. In this case, $13,000 represents 123% of his pay, and you are 23% over. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: $ AMOUNT TO % EFFORT CONVERSION EXAMPLE 3 The EPAF Percentage Check and Expenditure Check is entered as follows: Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
DETERMINING THE ALLOWABLE SALARY SALARY CALCULATOR: SUMMER FTE CHECK Once you have finished all the jobs the individual will work during the summer, you should have a completed Summer FTE Check sheet that resembles this. Email this sheet to Nancy Sutton (suttonn@ecu.edu) as part of your EPAF packet for every individual. Note: in the Subject Line of your email type the Person’s Name. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY How Should I Prepare My Summer EPAFS? OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS How Should I Prepare My Summer EPAFS? Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
COMPLETING YOUR SUMMER EPAF EPAF: AJ0035- Add EPA Supplemental Earnings Complete the EPAF for Add EPA Supplemental Earnings, AJ0035, using the Banner HR Instructions. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
COMPLETING YOUR SUMMER EPAF Please note: For summer salary grants you must use the faculty members primary position number with the suffix G0, G1, G2… Do not establish a grants position for summer salary. We will not require a separate position number for summer supplemental earnings. You must select the appropriate Earnings Code from a drop down list. For summer grant pay, please select 228: Summer Grant Outside Contract. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
COMPLETING YOUR SUMMER EPAF If split funding the Supplemental Earnings Request, please enter the amount of effort or FTE that relates to the amount of the salary requested for each FOAP in the respective Project Field. Please also check your percentage columns to ensure the proper amounts are charged to each respective grant. FTE may only be up to 2 decimal places or in a whole percent Example: 0.45 not 0.445 If submitting multiple requests, number the requests (e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.) for each request and place the respective number in the comments section of the EPAF. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER PAY DATES: 1ST SUMMER SESSION Job Begin Date: 05/16/2017 Job Effective Date: 05/16/2017 Personnel Date: 05/16/2017 or depending on the individual’s starting date on the grant, if later. End the Job Effective Date: 06/30/2017 or depending on the individual’s ending date on the grant, if earlier. End the Job Personnel Date: 06/30/2017 or depending on the Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER PAY DATES: 2ND SUMMER SESSION Job Begin Date: 07/01/2017. Job Effective Date: 07/01/2017. Personnel Date: 07/01/2017 or depending on the individual’s starting date on the grant, if later. End the Job Effective Date: 08/15/2017 or depending on the individual’s ending date on the grant, if earlier. End the Job Personnel Date: 08/15/2017 or depending on the individual’s ending date on the grant, if earlier. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
SUMMER PAY DATES: ENTIRE 13 WEEKS Job Begin Date: 05/16/2017. Job Effective Date: 05/16/2017. Job Begin Personnel Date: 05/16/2017 or depending on the individual’s starting date on the grant, if later. End the Job Effective Date: 08/15/2017 or depending on the individual’s ending date on the grant, if earlier. End the Job Personnel Date: 08/15/2017 or depending on the individual’s ending date on the grant, if earlier. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
COMPLETING YOUR SUMMER EPAF XXXXXX-G0 06/01/2017 06/01/2017 06/01/2017 06/01/2017 06/01/2017 XXXXXX-G0 06/01/2017 XXXXXX-G0 06/30/2017 06/30/2017
HELPFUL EPAF TIPS Query Date should equal to the next available Payroll Date- either the 1st or the 16th. Personnel Date is the date of when it was supposed to happen. Effective Date cannot be before the last paid date. This date should equal the next available payroll date- either the 1st or the 16th. Personnel and Effective dates must be within the beginning and end date of the grant. Please include the Grant End Date in the comments section. Must use tab key. Clicking in the cell to key information will create an error. Contract type should be (S) for Secondary Employee Class Code should be (EU) Supplemental Pay Add to Comments EPAF number (1 of 2, 2 of 2) to avoid any short or overpays in Banner. When keying in your EPAF, the Annual Salary must be equal to the grant funded portion of their salary or the amount that you reduce the state funded position. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
HELPFUL EPAF TIPS Project = FTE grantsc@ecu.edu Tomorrow Starts Here 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
HELPFUL EPAF TIPS Percent is not the FTE. This represents the percentage of the annual salary that will be charged to each FOAP. However, the percentages must be mathematically proportional to the FTE assigned in the Project Field. 06/01/2017 grantsc@ecu.edu
HELPFUL EPAF TIPS Don’t forget…. If you complete your EPAF late, the Banner system does not automatically correct back entries. XXXXXX-G0 06/01/2017 06/01/2017 05/16/2017 Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Do I Need to Adjust the Academic Year Additional Grant Jobs? Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
BEGINNING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB: EPAFs If the individual’s secondary (grant) position was ended, to avoid overcharges to the grant, complete the following: For an existing employee: EPA Adjustment to Annual Salary, FTE, and or Funding CG0005 And Add a Secondary EPA Permanent Job AJ0011 Note: Do not complete this step if the employee is 100% funded on a grant. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
BEGINNING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB: EPAF EPA Secondary Appointments Academic Year Effective Date- 08/16/2017; 1st installment on 08/31. Personnel Date- 08/16/2017 through 05/15/2018. 24 installments. Job to remain active through end of the budget period unless funding balances restrict the continuation. 12.5% rate/FTE per course buyout, per semester. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
BEGINNING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB: EPAF FALL SEMESTER EPA Secondary Appointments Fall Semester Effective Date- 08/16/2017; 1st installment on 08/31. Personnel Date- 08/16/2017 through 12/31/2017. 24 installments. May complete Banner HR Redistributions beginning 8/16 to equate to 12.5% allowable. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
ENDING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB You will no longer need to end the person’s secondary/grant position at the end of an academic year as you have typically done in the past. You will only need to end the grant job when: The grant from which the secondary/grant positions are funded ends or A change is necessary due to limitations on grant funding or Another management reason. This is because of the 24 pay rule, and the fact that the individual is still getting paid for work they completed during the academic year. These funds are marked as regular earnings. Regular earnings are excluded in the Summer Effort Period. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
ENDING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB Regular earnings are excluded from the Summer Effort Period. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
ENDING THE ACADEMIC YEAR ADDITIONAL GRANTS JOB If you need to end the grant job for the academic year complete the following: End an Additional Job (employee not separating) EJ0001 EPAF to end the grant assignment. AND EPA Adjustment to Annual Salary, FTE and/or Funding CG0005 EPAF. Note: Do not complete this step if the employee is 100% funded on a grant. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
QUESTIONS? For questions about Summer Salary for Grants, please email Nancy Sutton (suttonn@ecu.edu). If you need assistance after attempting to complete your EPAFs, please contact us with your Summer Salary Calculator. Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu
BANNER HR LINKS Commonly Used HR Forms: EPAF Instructions: http://www.ecu.edu/hr/HR_Forms.cfm EPAF Instructions: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-admin/HumanResources/IPS.cfm Tomorrow Starts Here grantsc@ecu.edu