Video 1 How to Change Your Life Principle 1 _______________ + _______________ = GROWTH Your Questions: What pain are you experiencing in your life currently? It could be anxiety over your job, being unhappy about your physical health, money worries. List your fears below and be honest. This exercise is personal to you. DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life Pick the biggest causes of pain from the list you created in question 1 and turn it into a principle that will change your life. For example the pain might be ‘I am tired of delaying my dreams’ and so the principle could be ‘I now use every Saturday morning to work on my dreams – I take action every week so I can live my dreams’. DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life Principle 2 You must set a bold and compelling ______________ for your life because you get what you ____________ in life. Your Questions: What is your intention in life? How do you want to feel? DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life What do you want to be celebrating 12 months from today, or this time next year? What do you want your life to look like? DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life What do you want to have access to? How would you like to be described? Who do you want to become? DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life Principle 3 You could be _____ ________ _______ away from your dream life. Your Questions: If you had to guess, what ten next steps would you need to take to build your dream life? DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life Principle 4 Taking action: what must _______ do today to bring me one step closer to my dream life? Your Questions: What one step can you take today to get moving and bring you one step closer to your dream life? What can I do to make more time in my life? DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life Principle 5 To make it happen, I must set up an _____________ that works for me. Your Questions: What do I need to learn and who can I learn this from? Spend some time doing some research and write down a list of potential online mentors here… DARETOGROW
Video 1 How to Change Your Life You are what you do everyday. On the left hand side, list activities that are keeping you locked in your old life and on the right hand side list activities that will build your new life. Can you replace some of the old activities with the new activities this week? Put your money where you want to see the change. What might you need to invest in to build your new infrastructure? E.g. a new gym kit, some training, a new book. DARETOGROW