How to prepare your IS3E 2016 presentation Prof.-Dr. Udo Lindemann1, Prof. Dr Josef Oehmen3, Dr. Roman Dumitrescu2, Cristina Carro Saavedra1, Christian Bremer2 1Technical University of Munich 2Fraunhofer IEM Research Institution for Mechatronic Systems Design 3Technical University of Denmark
Index Layout of your presentation Structure of your presentation Including your logo Including pictures Submission instructions
Layout of your presentation These slides were prepared based on the template for your presentation at the Spring School: IS3E_presentation_template.pot Please use the *.pot template provided with these instructions to prepare your presentation. Please make your slides clear and explicit, as they will make part of the publication in the proceedings. The proceedings will consist of your short research outline of 1 page maximum your presentation of twenty (20) slides maximum Slides will be published as two slides on one page. Please do not use fonts smaller than 16 pt therefore.
Structure of your presentation Please add your research topic and your name as well as your affiliation on the front slide. Please use the second slide as an index of the topics you cover in your presentation. You may include a slide to thank your audience and to include your contact data at the end of your presentation. Please include a short introduction to the topic in the beginning and a summary as your last slide. Please do not include a slide introducing yourself or the institution you work for (unless necessary for the topic your paper is about).
Including your logo You may include your logo or that of your university or company on the top right corner. Either paste it on every slide IN THE SAME POSITION. To do so, position it on one slide, then copy it and paste it on every other page you want it to appear. The better way is to include it into the master. To do so, click View in the menu, go to Master, and then Slide Master. Include your logo on the first of the two slides in the top right corner. Click Close Master View on the Slide Master View toolbar when you are finished. See the example on the this slide for a possible positioning of a logo.
Including pictures Include your pictures using “insert picture” or by copying and pasting the image. If you paste several objects as one picture (e.g. from a spreadsheet), please use Paste special in the Edit-menu. Paste your image as Enhanced Metafile. To include pictures, a number of styles are available are available through the „style“ menu. We ask you to use the style used on this slide whenever possible. This way, you can support us in providing a better layout for the proceedings. Thank you very much! Source:
Submission instructions Prepare your slides and update your research outline. Submit both files as suggested on the conference website. Use the templates provided with these instructions. Send in your outline as a WORD file and your presentation as a POWERPOINT file.