Vocabulary for The tale of despereaux Book two Being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread
Ch. 16 Blinded by the Light chiaroscuro “The Girl with the Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer Find it in the text: “…we must go backward in time to the birth of a rat, a rat named Chiaroscuro and called Roscuro, a rat born into the filth and darkness of the dungeon....” Does the definition fit? noun- the arrangement of light and dark, darkness and light together
Ch. 17 Small Comforts comfort Find it in the text: “’Give him his small comforts,’ shouted a voice at the top of the stairs, and a red cloth was thrown into the light.” Which definition fits? noun- 1. being relaxed, with no pain, or extreme heat or cold 2. being less worried, upset, or frightened 3. something that causes less worry, fear, pain, heat or cold
Ch. 18 Confessions solace Find it in the text: “What about the solace a sympathetic ear can provide?” Does the definition fit? noun- someone or something that gives a feeling of comfort to a person who is sad or depressed
Ch. 19 Light, Light Everywhere enchanted Find it in the text: “Roscuro was enchanted. Everything glittered. Everything.” Which definition fits? verb- to get someone’s attention and keep it by being interesting, or pretty adjective-under a spell, from magic or intense beauty.
Ch. 20 A View from a Chandelier chandelier Find it in the text: “There was, in the banquet hall, a most beautiful and ornate chandelier.” Does the definition fit? noun- a large, decorated light that hangs from a ceiling and has branches for holding many light bulbs, or candles
Ch. 21 The Queen’s Last Words banquet Find it in the text: “…and because the queen loved it, soup was served in the castle for every banquet, every lunch and every dinner.” Does the definition fit? noun- a formal dinner for many people, usually to celebrate a special event
Ch. 22 He Puts His Heart Together Again revenge Find it in the text: “Yes,” said Roscuro. “I will have something beautiful. And I will have revenge. Both things. Somehow.” Which definition fits? Noun-1. beating a team who has beaten you in the past 2. doing something to hurt someone who has done something to hurt you
Ch. 23 Consequences consequences Find it in the text: “Every action, reader, no matter how small, has a consequence.” Does the definition fit? Noun-something that happens as a result of an act or set of actions