Thriving At The City College of New York What You Need To Know Carlito Berlus, NSEC Susanna Yurick, Honors Center Alida McKee, Honors Center
Thriving At The City College of New York: what you need to know Expectations Difference between H.S. and college Being responsible/Taking responsibility Resources Information you need and where to find it Different types of information CCNY Directory Advisement What it is/What it isn’t How advising is conducted at CCNY Degree type and common requirements (Pathways) OVERVIEW
Thriving At ccny EXPECTATIONS College is not High School Difference between H.S. and college Class sizes Classes “format” Taking responsibility for your education Communication Technology Classroom etiquette Time management Regular advisement is a necessary part of college What is advising? The necessity of advising Why it matters Use the resources of the college Instructors Advisors Academic resources
Thriving At ccny Use the resources of the college Be in the know Instructors Advisors Academic resources The undergraduate bulletin (Bulletin) Be in the know Know how to find information (CCNY directory) (Directory) Speak to your advising division
Thriving At ccny college advisement sTRUCTURE ADVISING AT CCNY Grove School of Engineering College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS) Colin Powell Humanities Sciences Spitzer School of Architecture School of Education
Thriving At ccny college of liberal arts and sciences ADVISING AT CCNY Humanities & Arts Powell School (Social Sciences) Science Art ANTHROPOLOGY BIOLOGY Asian Studies ECONOMICS CHEMISTRY Black Studies INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE Comparative Literature INTERNATIONAL STUDIES MATHEMATICS English LATIN AMERICAN & LATINO STUDIES PHYSICS Foreign Languages & Literatures POLITICAL SCIENCE PRE-MEDICAL STUDIES PROGRAM (Any major) History PRE-LAW PROGRAM (Any major) Jewish Studies PSYCHOLOGY Media & Communication Arts PUBLIC POLICY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS (minor) Music WOMEN'S STUDIES (minor) Philosophy Theatre Divisions within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences- Majors and Programs
Thriving At ccny advisement sTRUCTURE & location ADVISING AT CCNY
The components/parts of your degreee ADVISING AT CCNY Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts
Know what you need to take, and when ADVISING AT CCNY I.E.: Pathways Checklist: (Checklist) The classes you take depend on the degree you are pursuing, NOT what you friends say. Don’t plan vacations during the semester!
FIQWS Fall 16 FIQWS Schedule and Descriptions ADVISING AT CCNY Course Title Section Topic Section Course # Topic Section Code Topic Section Time Writing Section Course # Writing Section Code Writing Section Time Description WCGI History English Composition People cp1 10003 57748 M 12:30-3:15 10103 57785 W 12:30-3:15 Anthropology is the only field which considers people as both biological and cultural beings. This course examines both our ancestors and other close relatives in a search to answer the question « Who’s our daddy » as well as cultural diversity today. cp2 57749 M 3:30-6:15 57786 W 3:30-6:15 The Science of Language ha1 57750 TTh 9:30-10:45 57787 TTh 11:00-12:15 This course will blend classroom and online instruction into a hybrid format. You will need to be able to complete a significant portion of this work online. While you can complete all of the work using campus computers, we recommend that you take this class only if you have computer and internet access from home. This is a course for students who want to know more about the nature of language. Questions to be addressed include: What is language? Where does language come from? What are words? What are sentences? How do we understand each other? Do we understand each other? What are universal characteristics of languages? Is there such a thing as “primitive” language? How and why does language change?
Conclusion & Reminder Key Points: Bring updated transcripts/APs (CN) Follow all recommendations in My City Expectations You are NO longer in H.S. – Take responsibility for your education Resources Know where & how to find information Advisement You are to be advised in your division & in your major