Virtual Enterprises 2006-2007 DEE FCT-UNL DoUAgree Virtual Enterprises 2006-2007 DEE FCT-UNL
TASK 1 Message Boards … Please insert your slides here. Try focus the most important aspects so that each task has a maximum of 5 or 6 slides. If someone have problems writing this presentation in English tell us as soon as possible.
TASK 2 Documentation … Please insert your slides here. Try focus the most important aspects so that each task has a maximum of 5 or 6 slides. If someone have problems writing this presentation in English tell us as soon as possible.
TASK 3 e-notary… Please insert your slides here. Try focus the most important aspects so that each task has a maximum of 5 or 6 slides. If someone have problems writing this presentation in English tell us as soon as possible. Each task has to make a report describing all the work done in all this semester.
TASK 4 DMS… Please insert your slides here. Try focus the most important aspects so that each task has a maximum of 5 or 6 slides. If someone have problems writing this presentation in English tell us as soon as possible.
TASK 5 Existing Portlets… Please insert your slides here. Try focus the most important aspects so that each task has a maximum of 5 or 6 slides. If someone have problems writing this presentation in English tell us as soon as possible.
TASK X Liferay Experts