Human Impacts on the Carbon Cycle
If it’s in GREEN>>> Write it down!!
SWBAT: Describe positive and negative consequences of human impacts on the carbon cycle (acidification, deforestation, planting trees, driving cars, etc.) SWBAT explain consequences of global climate change and ocean acidification on life SWBAT research, summarize and share a current event relating to global climate change’s impacts on ecosystems
Human Impacts Humans have both positive and negative impacts on the carbon cycle.
Example of Positive Impacts Composting = allowing organic waste products (such as leftover food, lawn clippings and leaves) to decompose naturally (instead of in garbage dumps). Compost is rich in nutrients—nitrogen and carbon in particular. This compost is then put back in the soil to help plants grow. By putting waste products back into the earth instead of throwing them away, humans can positively impact the carbon, nitrogen AND water cycles.
Negative Impacts 1. Use of fossil fuels: 2. Deforestation Ocean Acidification Climate Change/ Global warming 2. Deforestation
An example of negative impact: Combustion of Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels were formed very long ago from plant or animal remains that were buried, compressed, and transformed into oil, coal, or natural gas via deposition. Large amounts of carbon are stored in fossil fuels. Humans impact the carbon cycle during the combustion (burning) of any type of fossil fuel, which include oil, coal, &natural gas. By mining and burning fossil fuels, humans speed up the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Consequence 1: Ocean Acidification In a volume of water, a very small amount of the water breaks down into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) Write equation!
Neutral, Acidic, Basic In neutral water, there is an equal concentration of H+ and OH- ions In an acidic solution, there is a higher concentration of hydrogen ions In a basic solution, there is a higher concentration of hydroxide ions
Neutral, Acidic, Basic Measured using the pH scale 0-6: acidic
Ocean Acidification Intro Watch video: Ocean acidification @ Media/Video/Ocean-acidification What is pH of ocean: Before humans began adding CO2 Now When organisms can no longer calcify (make shells and/or exoskeletons) In Puget Sound
How is egg shell affected by a solution that is: BASIC (baking soda) Egg simulation How is egg shell affected by a solution that is: BASIC (baking soda) ACIDIC (vinegar)
Consequence #2: Climate Change/ Global Warming Watch video: vironment/global-warming-environment/global- warming-101.html Complete cut and paste !!!!
Global Warming/ Climate Change Extra CO2 in atmosphere from human activity is accelerating the Greenhouse Effect Impacts of rapidly warming on earth: Decrease in polar sea ice and glaciers Rise in sea level – increased flooding Changes in weather (more severe weather such as hurricanes, droughts) Extinctions – organisms that cannot adapt fast enough go extinct
Current Event share When sharing: As a listener- In your journal: Give title of article, author, and source Share main claim of the article Share 2-3 strongest pieces of evidence from your article As a listener- In your journal: List presenter and article title Summarize claim Evaluate: how strongly does the evidence given support the claim?
Current Event share A few volunteer sharers!
Negative impact: Deforestation Trees and plants are a large reservoir of carbon (store a large amount of carbon in their tissues). They also remove CO2 from the atmosphere (during process of photosynthesis). Every hour, at least 4,500 acres of forest fall to chain saws, machetes, flames, or bulldozers. Population growth, poverty, and unequal access to land are among the major causes of deforestation.
Double-edged sword Consequences of deforestation: The carbon stored in the biomass of the organisms is released into atmosphere (through burning or decomposition). Fewer autotrophs/producers = less CO2 removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. On the other hand, how does planting trees create a positive impact on the carbon cycle?
Table group talk: How do you think deforestation affects the phosphorus cycle and the nitrogen cycle?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT True or False: Rainforests are the principle source of carbon dioxide uptake from the air.
FALSE! Algae/phytoplankton in the oceans are responsible for the greatest CO2 uptake. Surprised?