Developing a Strategy for the Use of Learning Analytics Ainsley Hainey, Brian Green, Howard Ramsay University of Strathclyde
Strathclyde’s Education Context Course Programmes No. offered in 2015/16 Undergraduate Programmes (BA, BEng, MEng, BSc, MSci, BBA, LLB) 243 Postgraduate Programmes (MSc, MEd/PGDip/PgCert, March, LLM, Mlitt) 155 Research Programmes (PhD, MPhil, MRes, EngD, DBA, Industrial Doctorate, EdD) 32 Level of Study Student Headcount UG 13,160 PG 4,990 PGR 1,500 TOTAL 21,978 Mode of Delivery Student Headcount Attendance 17,776 Distance Learning 1,852 Open Learning 360 Research 1,990 Indicator % UG Retention 94.2% PG Retention 97.5% PGR Retention 96.2% All data from 2015/16 Academic Year
Engaging with Strathclyde’s Distinctiveness Vision, Mission & Strategy The place of useful learning A leading international technological university Innovative, impactful & socially progressive Outstanding student experience Strathclyde’s Learning Analytics Focus Improving student outcomes Enhancing Assessment and Feedback Support for Widening Participation Develop an institutional strategy to establish the value of Learning Analytics to support individual student learning and teaching excellence.
Strathclyde Learning Analytics: Meetings, Timelines & Milestones Universities Scotland Learning & Teaching Committee Higher Education Academy Strategic Project SOLAR & LAK 2015, 2016 & 2017 A welcoming learning community and a shortcut to best practice Keynote presentation: Belinda Tynan, Open University Multi-disciplinary team attended LAK 2016 Paper and roundtable at LAK 2017 Jisc Blackboard Learning Analytics Readiness Project (Feb 2016) Student app pilot Jisc Learning Analytics Network Meetings
Strathclyde Learning Analytics: Meetings, Timelines & Milestones Internal Reporting and Actions University-wide Committees: Senate, Education Strategy Regular updates to faculty, strategic learning and teaching committees and senior management Students: Student Parliament, Student Representatives Congress Linking Learning Analytics to Staff Development Strathclyde Learning & Teaching Conference
Jisc Learning Analytics Readiness Assessment Four areas: Culture, Processes, People, and Technology Infrastructure The key recommendation is: Implement a number of pilots using the VLE as the key data source to enable the University of Strathclyde to enhance institutional understanding, capacity, and capabilities for a centrally managed learning analytics service.
Jisc Learning Analytics Readiness Assessment Strathclyde Outcome Aggregated Results (15 UK HEIs) Taken from: Jisc Learning Analytics Readiness Project, University of Strathclyde, Final Report – 2nd February 2016 Taken from:
Pilot Projects
Evidence for Future Implementation Pilot projects: Evidence for Future Implementation Formal reporting structure Class specific recommendations Wider learning analytics implementation recommendations Recommendations so far Students responded to an individualised approach to interventions by email however this is not practical for large classes Students positively responded to being able to view progress within a class and perceived a positive change in behaviour Timing of intervention is important Intervention strategies may not impact on student attainment; however they may contribute to an improved learner journey
Learning Analytics Steering Group Remit: To support the establishment of a high level institutional strategy for Learning Analytics and a strategy for trialling the use of data to support, with fully informed consent of staff and students, individual student learning and teaching excellence, in conjunction with appropriate concomitant strategies, policies and innovations. Membership Chaired by Deputy Associate Principal (Teaching & Learning) Deputy Associate Principal (Teaching & Learning) Deputy Director Education Enhancement Learning Enhancement Manager LA Project Officer 5 Pilot Participants, representing each faculty and OSDU Assistant Director Library & Information Services Business Intelligence Analyst Vice President Education of Students Association
Next Steps Analysis and Dissemination of Pilot Outcomes Technical infrastructure investigation and development Fostering engagement with University staff and students and the wider learning analytics community
“What Works” & Lessons Learned? Engagement across the University and with the sector Involvement of expert professional colleagues, teaching faculty and our students Achieving a common outcome by dedicating relatively small resource Critical to have clear oversight and support from senior management Effective team working, partnership and support to achieve the outcome
Contact Details Ainsley Hainey Brian Green Howard Ramsay