Hundred Dollar Questions Who wants to win millions? Hundred Dollar Questions
Holidays London The USA Australia Holidays Traditions The UK $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Данилочкина Е. С. , учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназия №36 г Данилочкина Е.С., учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназия №36 г. Иваново
Scotland, Wales, England $100 What countries are situated in Great Britain? Scotland, Wales, England
How many crosses does the Union Jack consist of? $200 How many crosses does the Union Jack consist of? Three
What is the national symbol of Wales? $300 What is the national symbol of Wales? Daffodil
Who is the patron saint of England? St. George
Where are all the British kings and queens coronated? $100 Where are all the British kings and queens coronated? Westminster Abbey
What monument is situated in Trafalgar Square? $200 What monument is situated in Trafalgar Square? Nelson’s Column
In what London park can you see the statue of Peter Pan? $300 In what London park can you see the statue of Peter Pan? Kensington Garden
Where did Princess Diana marry Prince Charles? $400 Where did Princess Diana marry Prince Charles? St. Paul’s Cathedral
What bird is the national symbol of the USA? $100 What bird is the national symbol of the USA? Bald eagle
What city was built on the Potomac river? $200 What city was built on the Potomac river? Washington
What country presented the Americans the Statue of Liberty? $300 What country presented the Americans the Statue of Liberty? France
How is the American flag often called ? $400 How is the American flag often called ? Stars and stripes
How many people live in Australia? $100 How many people live in Australia? 18 mln
Who discovered Australia? $200 Who discovered Australia? Captain Cook
When do Australian children have summer holidays? $300 When do Australian children have summer holidays? In winter
How many stars are on the Australian flag? $400 How many stars are on the Australian flag? Six
Where does Father Christmas put presents for children? $100 Where does Father Christmas put presents for children? In the stockings
How is one of Halloween’s traditions called? $200 How is one of Halloween’s traditions called? Treat or trick
In the garden or in the house $300 Where do parents hide Easter eggs and Easter rabbits? In the garden or in the house
$400 Name the holiday when people write each other cards but don’t sign them? St. Valentine’s Day
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