Saint and why this Roman soldier from Turkey became the patron saint of England The life of Saint George, including the legend of his fight with a dragon George
Introduction Saint George is popularly identified with England and English ideals of honour, bravery and gallantry, but actually he wasn’t English at all. Very little is known about the man who became St George.
Facts in brief Everything about Saint George is dubious, so the information below should be taken as mythical rather than real. Born in Cappadocia, an area which is now in Turkey Lived in 3rd century AD His parents were Christian Later lived in Palestine Became a Roman soldier Protested against Rome's persecution of Christians Imprisoned and tortured, but stayed true to his faith Beheaded at Lydda in Palestine
Who was St George? It is likely that Saint George was born to a Christian noble family in Lod, Syria Palaestina during the late third century between about 275 AD and 285 AD, and he died in Nicomedia. His father, Gerontius, was a Roman army official from Cappadocia and his mother, Polychronia, was from Palestine. They were both Christians and from noble families of Anici, so the child was raised with Christian beliefs. They decided to call him Georgius (Latin) or Geōrgios (Greek), meaning "worker of the land". At the age of 14, George lost his father; a few years later, George's mother, Polychronia, died.
The Legend of St. George and the Dragon There are many versions of story of St George slaying the dragon, but most agree on the following: 1.A town was terrorised by a dragon. 2.A young princess was offered to the dragon. 3. When George heard about this he rode into the village. 4.George slayed the dragon and rescued the princess.
According to a legend, Saint George of Lydda killed a dragon and saved the lives of many people. It is sometimes called 'The Golden Legend'. It is a legend that is older than Christianity, which some people believe is based on gods from different religions, such as Sabazios.
23rd April was named as Saint George's day in 1222
The Saint George Cross
Patron Saint Saint George's Day (also England's National Day) is not a holiday in the UK. He is the patron saint of many other countries, too - including Greece, Palestine, Georgia, Portugal and Russia. Moscow, Russia has 41 Churches with the name of Saint George, and the Moscow city Coat of Arms, or symbol, is of Saint George on a horse killing the dragon. Saint George is the patron saint of the Boy Scouts of America.
How to celebrate St. George's Day Wear a red rose for England in your jacket lapel. As the national flower of England, the rose is a symbol of patriotic pride. Read the “Legend of St. George and the Dragon”. Fly the flag of St. George. Many official buildings will fly the flag on St. George’s Day.
How to celebrate St. George's Day Go a pub crawl and support the English pubs, which are under a threat from closure. Attend on the many St. George’s Day events taking place throughout England. Eat fish & chips, England's favourite take away meal.