Prejudice and Equality in Religion Learning Aims: -To be able to identify key religious attitudes to prejudice -To interpret key religion’s teachings about prejudice and equality. Homework: Use the revision techniques you learn about today to present a revision tutorial to the class next Wednesday.
Justice Harmony Tolerance What do these words mean to you? Why are they important? Justice Harmony Tolerance Pick one of these concepts above…….How do you promote this value in your life? How well does society promote these values? Get Creative: Design a logo to show your beliefs about the importance of these values and how they can be used to challenge prejudice and discrimination. Write a short explanation of your artwork!!
Scriptural guidance on Equality: ‘Things which divide and separate people-race religion, gender, social position…are all illusory’ ‘And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt’ ‘Know people by the light which illuminates them, not by their caste’ “Love your neighbour as yourself” “Allah does not look upon your appearance; He looks upon your hearts and your deeds” Student task: Can you identify the religion, and the message behind the text, from the quotes across? Extension: Use your study, and previous knowledge, to answer Q(d) from Pg 73 of the textbook.
Create Mnemonics-These are catchy and memorable visual aids-see a website called ‘’ Create a vivid mental image of a group of key people you have been learning about and imagine they are having a come dine with me and they are discussing your topics of learning-Pope, Dalai Lama, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, UN security council, G20 members etc. What would each person say- create a script and use yourself as the narrator!!!
Create revision cue cards. They should accurately summarise key info: -Factual-People, Dates, keywords -Have useful P.E.E material -Easy to read, colour coded -Be based on clear themes from topics of learning- i.e. Just War theory, Western Religions views on abortion etc. -Once designed…keep re-reading. Follow this link and do the real thing- choose Unit 2 past papers from different years: AQA Past papers Teach someone else!!!