This title is for centering. This title is for centering This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.
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Peace, honor, faith, and love shall reign. Cue 6
Cue 7
The reign of civil discord is over. Syracuse rejoices once more. Cue 8
Cue 9
May you be in harmony and your colors run true May you be in harmony and your colors run true. Entwine your hearts in tender friendship. Cue 10
Yes, we shall entwine our hearts in tender friendship. Cue 11
Cue 12
If true friendship lives in your bosoms… Cue 13
…if love for your country glows in your hearts… Cue 14
…rest assured that Syracuse shall overcome all obstacles. Cue 15
Cue 16
We shall break the discord between us and swear loyalty to country, in peace or war. Cue 17
Cue 18
- Yes, we swear it! - At long last… Cue 19
- Fidelity or death! - …I can breathe freely once more. Cue 20
And in this happy moment, my prayers are finally answered. Cue 21
May our country have liberty, in peace or war. Cue 22
Fear not the audacious Moor, for in the end he shall fall! Cue 23
Cue 24
- My prayers are finally answered - My prayers are finally answered. - In the end, the audacious Moor shall fall. Cue 25
Cue 26
There goes the proud knight, who in my place shall lead you to noble and worthy exploits. Cue 27
Any dispute between the Orbazzani and Argiri families ends today. Cue 28
Our country has wept much over our fighting. Cue 29
You can feel it all around; a common danger in every heart, in every son. Cue 30
Yes. For country, for fidelity, we will proudly spill all of our blood. Cue 31
But who will defend it against cowards and traitors? Cue 32
The ancient law, regardless of age or sex, condemning to death… Cue 33
…any who betray our country by being in league with the Saracen tyrant. Cue 34
With enemies like Solamiro, we must worry even more. Cue 35
Some among us honor our country, and revere the name of the exiled Tancredi. Cue 36
(O Heaven!) How say you? And what can his country have to fear from him? Cue 37
Born of royal blood, banished in his youth, hatred and revenge feed his soul. Cue 38
He'll hate you even more when he learns the Senate has given you all he owns. Cue 39
He will be further enraged when he hears you are to marry my Amenaide. Cue 40
Let him rage in Byzantium Let him rage in Byzantium. Your daughter shall be my reward, the token of our friendship. Cue 41
Bring forth Amenaide. Heaven wishes her happiness to begin. Cue 42
- (My poor friend!) - At last I am content. Cue 43
Cue 44
This lovely day, sweet and placid breezes gently blow. Cue 45
Amidst such joy, the spirit of everything seems to surround him in triumph and love. Cue 46
Charming maidens, share our joy Charming maidens, share our joy. Smile upon our country's vows and fulfill our lord's wishes. Cue 47
Cue 48
How sweetly these joyful sounds descend into my soul! Cue 49
How my heart longs to share in your joys! Cue 50
Cue 51
(And when will you return to my bosom once more, my beloved?) Cue 52
Cue 53
Breathe, for today you will enjoy happiness. Cue 54
May Heaven now shine for my happiness! Cue 55
(If my love does not come to me, there will be no peace in my heart.) Cue 56
Cue 57
Breathe, for today you will enjoy happiness. Cue 58
Cue 59
It is decided, daughter. Obeying your lord… Cue 60
…which desires this alliance so important to all, will make everyone happy this favorable day. Cue 61
- What are you saying? - I have given your fidelity and your hand to Orbazzano. Cue 62
- To Orbazzano? (Oh Isaura!) - (Don't give yourself away.) Cue 63
- (And the letter?) - (The servant has already left to meet Tancredi.) Cue 64
Amenaide, I love you with all my heart. Cue 65
My destiny is to be your lord, granting me your hand and your faith. Cue 66
I shall be happiest among all men, if I may hope for your love in return. Cue 67
(What shall I do? I am lost!) Cue 68
His valor, rank, and fortune make him worthy of you. Cue 69
- My choice is proof of my paternal love. - (Oh God!) Cue 70
- Have you nothing to say? - Sir, I… I do not believe… Cue 71
- Are you confounded? - And with reason. Cue 72
I am overwhelmed with so many changes. I am confused by it all. Cue 73
- Oh, father. You know my heart - Oh, father! You know my heart. - I know my daughter will reconcile her affections with his. Cue 74
- But… - Then…? - Amenaide will give you her hand. Cue 75
- Then let the sacred pomp… - I implore you, defer it until tomorrow. Cue 76
- Daughter? - You want… Cue 77
Calm your mind. Father, a word… Cue 78
- And then? - Have I reason to fear? Cue 79
Fear not, I will fulfill my duty. Cue 80
Poor Amenaide! What anguish for her fateful day! Cue 81
How can Orbazzano take her hand, when her heart burns for Tancredi in Byzantium? Cue 82
What black cloud of misfortune darkens this unlucky day? Cue 83
Cue 84
O country, sweet, ungrateful country… Cue 85
…at last I return to you. Cue 86
I salute you, dear land of my ancestors. I kiss your sacred soil. Cue 87
This day, serenity and propriety bid my heart revive once more. Cue 88
Cue 89
Amenaide! Cue 90
Cue 91
My sweet thoughts and sighs take me to you, my most sublime desire. Cue 92
I have come at last. Whatever my fate, I will earn your love, or die trying. Cue 93
Cue 94
You who inspires this heart, who gives glory and sweet love to my soul… Cue 95
...come to my aid, let an impious traitor die, and crown my fidelity. Cue 96
Cue 97
So much longing and pain… May sweet mercy allow us to see each other again. Cue 98
Cue 99
I shall feast in the light of your smile. Cue 100