Indonesia Training and Tutoring Feedback Lukman Hakim Training and Tutoring Second Coordination Meeting. Brussels (THON Hôtel, rue de la Loi), 15 – 16 June 2016
Cooperation Projects in T&T 2014-2015 European Commission projects Bilateral: GRS, Germany research project for reactor assessment International EC Training and Tutoring IAEA projects TC-Projects National: especially in HTGR Technolgy, SMR Technology, HTGR Regulatory capability Regional: ANSN prioritize in nuclear safety, comprises research reactor safety, regulatory body capacity, Nuclear Human Resource Development INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Cooperation Projects in T&T 2014-2015 Others KINAC (South Korea): Safeguards and Export Import Security KINS (South Korea) : Master Nuclear Eng. INSC (Japan): Nuclear Security and Physical Protection JAEA : Reactor Enginering US NRC: regulatory review and assessment US-DoE : Radioactive Source Security INSEP – NNSA: Safeguards training, safeguards inspection, and NDA TAMU and UGM: Curriculum Development for Master Degree on Safeguards KCL (UK) : Nuclear Security Culture and Insider Threat PNS and US DoS: Human Reliability Program INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Future Needs in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue Operation experience evaluation NPP Siting Requirement and Licensing Regulatory Control of Nuclear Site evaluation and Inspection during the siting and Construction Phases Decommisioning safety Fire Safety of NPP Ageing and Mechanical Analysis Etc. INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Future Needs NOT in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue Volcanological aspect in the site evaluation of nuclear installations Seismic and geotechnical aspect in the site evaluation of nuclear installations Meteorological and hydrological aspect in the site evaluation of nuclear installations Assessment of dispersion of radioactive material for the site evaluation, including the population density and distribution, and possibility of implementing the emergency measures Technical assessment of Radiation Facilities (X-Ray Plane, Radiography, CT-Scan, Fluoroscophy) Nuclear security culture and assessment Radioactive Source Security Inspection Management of NORM/Technologically Enhanced NORM Training Need (2016 – 2019) INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Lessons Learned: Good Practices. Induction to Nuclear Safety (ENSTTI) has a broad material and well organised. It has facility visit, cultural visit, and practicum. training is learning, refreshing, and should be fun ITER Consult is very fast in responding emails and helpful in preparation prior training implementation Trainings in nuclear installations is more complete than those in radiation facilities, and they have a good sequence already. INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Lessons Learned: What could be improved? Need more trainings related to radiation facilities and their regulatory activities Need more specific trainings in siting aspects assessment/evaluation (meteorological, geotechnical, external human induced events, etc) Need more trainings in nuclear human resource development and management Trainings should be offered at least three weeks before the training implementation to anticipate assignment process, visa and exit permit issuance In some countries, the lumpsum/per diem allowance are very limited. INSC coordination meeting on T&T
Final Remarks/ Conclusion EC is very helpful in enhancing our human resource capability especially in nuclear installation and its regulatory activities. The T&T is a good medium to share best practices with european countries. INSC coordination meeting on T&T