Off to Sea to See Colonial America
Virginia 1607: Jamestown Wanted Gold and an English outpost 1607-1624: Joint Stock Company 1625-1776: Royal Company
Here It Is
People of VA John Smith John Rolfe Thomas Dale
Mel He Isn’t
Crop of VA Tobacco
Cash Crop
Massachusetts 1620 in Plymouth 1629 in Bay Colony Both lasted until 1691 Escape religious persecution. Make Puritan commonwealth
Home of the Pilgrims
Power Struggle Mayflower Compact 1620-1621 Joint-Stock: 1621-1691 Royal: 1684-1691
You’re Fired!
Power Continued Colonies merged in 1691 Royal colony from 1691-1776 Leaders were John Bradford and John Winthrop
Not Columbus!!!
Working Hard Fishing, lumber, shipbuilding, triangular trade, rum, and whaling.
Oh Crap!!!!!
New Hampshire Founded 1623 Exeter in 1638 Profit from trade and fishing Escape religious persecution
Not Old, New!!!
Power Structure Proprietary 1622-1641 Joint-Stock 1641-1679 Royal 1679-1776 Joint-Stock was part of Massachusetts Bay
Not That King!!!
Leaders Benning Wentworth John Wentworth John Wheelright
That’s a Leader!!!!
Industry Trade and Fishing
What a Whopper!!!
New York Founded 1624 Founders wanted to expand and to trade First of the middle colonies
Power Colony of Dutch West India Co 1624-1664 Proprietary 1664-1685 Royal 1685-1776
That’s Power!
Leaders Peter Stuyvesant James, Duke of York Richard Nicolls Thomas Dongan
Not John Wayne
Industry Wheat Milling Lumber Furs Sugar refining
Industry Continued Distilling Shipbuilding Trade
Colony Never Sleeps
New Jersey Founded 1630 Expansion Trading Post Refuge for Quakers from England
Oatmeal Anyone?
Power Colony of Dutch West India Co. 1630-1664 Proprietary 1664-1702 Royal 1702-1776
Notice This?
Leaders John Berkeley John Carteret
The Earl
Industry Trade Farming
Big Green Tractor
Maryland Founded 1632 Establish a Catholic settlement Escape religious persecution
Fear The Turtle
Leaders Cecilius Calvert Also known as Lord Baltimore
The Lord’s Bird
Power Proprietary 1632-1691 Royal 1691-1716 Proprietary 1716-1776
Don’t Mess with Maryland
Industry Tobacco
Tobacco? Really?
Connecticut Founded 1634 Established a Puritan Settlement Establish a fur trade route
Type of Colony Self-governing 1636-1662 Corporate 1662-1776 First colony that goes the corporate route
The Leader of Hair
The Leader of Colony Thomas Hooker
Hooker (not that kind)
Industry Triangular trade
Bored Yet?
Rhode Island Founded in 1636 Founders wanted to escape religious intolerance of Massachusetts Bay Colony
You Are Now Entering RI
Governance Self-governing 1636-1644 Joint-Stock 1644-1663 Corporate 1663-1776 Second corporate colony
Yes Master Connecticut
The Leader Roger Williams Namesake for Roger Williams College in Rhode Island famous for its Law School
The Head Rhode Island Red
Industry Shipping Livestock Agriculture
You Are Now Leaving RI
Delaware Founded for trade reasons One of the middle colonies
Guess Who?
Governance Proprietary (Swedes) 1638-1655 Dutch West India Colony 1655-1664 Proprietary 1664-1704 (part Pennsylvania post-1682
Governance 2 Royal Colony 1704-1776 Went from Swedish hands to British hands after the first proprietary switch through the Dutch India Colonial Company
Who Wants Delaware?!
Leaders Johan Pritz Johan Rising William Penn
The Phillies Helper
Industry Trade Farming
Friends With Tractors
Pennsylvania Founded 1644 Swedish Expansion Establish Quaker Colony Means “Penn’s Woods”
Oatmeal Guy!!!
Governance Part of Swedish, Dutch, and English neighbors until 1681 Proprietary 1681-1692 Royal 1692-1694 Proprietary 1694-1776
Eager Young Minds
Industry Trade Farming Sound familiar? See a pattern?
Now That’s Farming!
Carolina North Carolina: 1655 South Carolina: 1670 Founded for land wealth and to strengthen English possessions in America
North Carolina
NC Governance Proprietary 1663-1712 Proprietary 1712-1729 Royal 1729-1776 Was coupled with South Carolina until 1712
South Carolina
South Carolina Governance Proprietary 1712-1719 Royal 1719-1776
The Leader
Leaders of Carolina William Berkeley Anthony-Ashley Cooper John Locke
John Locke
Industry Ship Supplies Rice Indigo Tobacco
Yay! Food!
Georgia Established 1732 Settlement for debtors Buffer between Spanish Florida and the British Colonies
That’s No Bull…That’s a Dog
Governance Proprietary 1732-1752 Royal 1752-1776 A very young colony compared to others
The New Guy
The Leader James Oglethorpe
The Master of Debt
Industry Rice Indigo Ship Supplies
Wowie Zowie!
You Made It!!!!