Purchase on Demand The Purpose, Process, and Progress Know that a few libraries are purchasing books this way. We may be doing it on a larger scale, and in a slightly different way… Kimberly Day Resource Sharing Librarian Liberty University (VLB) July 13, 2012
Background Began as initiative at end of October 2008 $10,000 initially allocated toward project Ingram was chosen as vendor Our dean at the time was concerned about ILL borrowing stats & wanted to use funding to quickly make a dent in them. POD was something in the literature that libraries were trying; Acquisitions staff recommended Ingram because of established procedures, past positive experience, & discounts on products
Purpose & Goals Reduce number of books borrowed through ILL Improve Borrowing : Lending ratio of returnable items (FY08: 4.6: 1) particularly within VIVA Build more current and relevant print collection Transition from “just-in-case” toward “just-in-time” collection development Net borrower status, more user-centered holdings
Initial Criteria Books with publication date of 2005 or newer Faculty book requests automatically considered Titles available immediately from Ingram (no backorder titles) English language Titles costing $50 or less Adult level/Non-juvenile Non-Fiction Book for which ILL request has repeatedly come back ‘unfilled’ due to popularity or scarcity Book not owned by our library, but requested by distance learning student *exceptions to non-fiction include new Christian fiction, particularly where part of series is owned; classic literature; a couple of times new popular fiction; NO textbooks (we do not borrow them for our students anyway); We do not borrow books through ILL for our online students
Additions/Revisions Amazon (Prime Account) also used Graduate student book requests automatically considered Religion titles considered, regardless of publication date Titles costing $150 or less Obtain replacement copy of a book with “lost” or “missing” status on catalog Consider purchasing additional copy of an already-owned book which is checked out Amazon added when we were issued Purchasing cards; Religion if available from Ingram or directly from Amazon; If someone requests book that is lost, missing, checked out
ILLiad Custom Queues Created POD Review - book requests to review POD Processing- books to purchase POD Request Sent- books purchased Apologies to non-ILLiad users….Created in Borrowing module; tried to mirror ILL processes, yet not go through OCLC- so set up comparable queues
Routing Rules created in ILLiad Borrowing t.RequestType='Loan' and u.status in ('Faculty') for loan requests from faculty members t.RequestType='Loan' and u.status in ('Graduate‘) for loan requests from graduate students t.LoanDate>2004 for loan requests with publication date of 2005 or newer * Staff manually route to POD Review any book requests that fit criteria list (publication date, lost, for online student, etc.) if they were not already automatically routed Not necessary, but helped save staff time by automatically moving some requests there
Process begins with POD Review queue Resource Sharing Librarian (RSL) reviews each request, and then: routes to Awaiting DD Stacks Searching queue (if shows availability at LU) OR routes to POD Processing queue - if decides to purchase places ILL order if not purchasing Route to Doc Del Module- We check holdings & stacks, pull book & put on hold or check out to user, etc.
Moves on to POD Processing queue Orders from Ingram if available OR Orders from Amazon if not available from Ingram THEN Enters info into Excel file Types “LUPOD” in Lending String box on ILLiad and routes request to POD Request Sent queue **If not available for purchase, or too expensive, places ILL request Ingram- selection list, order at end of day; Amazon- add to cart, order at end of day. Excel file- (title, author, date ordered, cost, ILLiad TN, etc.) We have standing Purchase Order/account with Ingram, it is one of the preferred vendors used by our acquisitions department, better overall discounts, less cumbersome process, no monthly $ limits (as with Purchasing card transactions on Amazon.)
Sample POD Request Kind of small, but want you to notice where LUPOD is placed and how it looks like any other ILL request, it just doesn’t get sent through OCLC
Behind-the-Scenes When Ingram order is placed: Resource Sharing Librarian (RSL) & Acquisitions staff receive email with order information. Acquisitions staff downloads order list & adds records to local catalog. When Amazon order is placed: RSL forwards email to Acquisitions staff who add records to local catalog RSL enters order info on RapidRecon & saves PDF of order in folder on server RapidRecon- the University’s system to track and reconcile purchasing card transactions; saved to server so university accounting personnel can view; Obviously simpler to use Ingram as far as steps in workflow
When POD Books Arrive Resource Sharing Librarian (RSL) ILL staff notes received date in Excel file & on packing slips stamps the books with library property stamp gives books to ILL staff ILL staff process POD books same as ILL books- manually entering “LUPOD” in the Lender box on ILLiad If POD book is for an online student: Technical Services staff rush processes the book book is checked out on Voyager (the library’s system) sent to the online student Customers are usually unaware that the book is not from another library; sometimes notice; LUO books checked out on Voyager, since we do not check books out to them on ILLiad
When POD Books are Returned ILL staff checks books in on ILLiad places books in box in Technical Services Dept. for processing If a customer wants the book longer than the initial 3- week checkout, the book is “Rush Processed” & then able to be checked out on Voyager (the library’s system) at the Circulation Desk. Only give 3-week checkout, as many times books are popular and wanted by other customers (this stipulation was requested by library’s dean)
Why this way? Want to put books in the hands of the customers as quickly as possible. Generally takes 2-4 business days. Having books fully processed after the customer returns them is how this can be accomplished at our library. Don’t want customer to wait any longer than they would for an ILL; Too many other books for Tech. Services to keep up with ; would not be timely to go through that dept.
Progress: POD Titles Purchased FY 09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Total Ingram 566 713 1,384 1,188 3,851 Amazon 68 188 394 383 1,033 634 901 1,778 1,571 4,884
POD Books by User Status Cumulative (FY2009-2012) Approx. 1/3 used by resident undergraduate population; often senior honors’ theses writers need numerous sources; also a lot of faculty requests (a few who know we do this now and…)
Fiscal Year 2012 Approximately $33,000 was spent on POD books 1,571 books purchased Average cost per title: $21 22% of ILL requests for returnable items were filled by POD purchases 12% of all print books purchased for the collection were POD titles So, POD filled about 1/5 of ILL requests for returnable items; 88% of books purchased for collection were still chosen in traditional manner- faculty and/or librarian selected
ILL Statistics FY2012 Returnable items borrowed from other libraries through ILL decreased by 24% Returnable items loaned to other libraries through ILL increased by 23% Borrowing : Lending ratio for returnable items dropped to 1.6 : 1 FY2008 this number was 4.6: 1
ILL-POD Connection (returnable items) This is looking at returnable items only ; you can see that borrowing and lending are becoming more even, heading in right direction
Conclusions & Comments Progress is being made- lower borrowing stats, but would like to further raise lending stats (please request from us- VLB) Preliminary positive circulation statistics POD titles loaned to other libraries, too Plan to continue POD program Improvement needed to make POD titles more quickly available for ILL Tried to get updated Circ Stats, but could not; Processing/Cataloging issue- 3-4 months before showing ownership on OCLC
Your Comments or Questions? My email: kjday@liberty.edu