History of Social Work What is a profession? WHO CARES? Unique skill, specialized training, systematic theory, code of ethics, professional association WHO CARES? DOES IT HELP CLIENTS???? Gain acceptance Help with access to resources Critical to act in a professional manner, not just be called professional
More Profession Talk Social work was developing (additionally, medical & school settings) Flexner (1915) Charities & Corrections Conference Mediators b/w clients & real professionals Casework was developed to respond to set of competency
Conservative SW Tenet Ind & family responsibility & Private over public Attend to defects & maintain a safety net
Liberal view Individual & institutional change Partnership b/w public & private
Radical view Restructuring of broad political, social & economical structures Will result in redistributing resources
Big ?’s Building a profession/ or a service delivery system SW’s role in a national system of social welfare Role of a profession in social change?
Pick the false statement, Professionalism in Social Welfare was: Started by clients, service recipients, & consumers Viewed as contradictory to SWer’s who focus on social change Supported by direct service as a way to promote more uniform skills and services Viewed as supportive to the development and implementation of the Code of Ethics
History of Social Work State charitable institutions (mid 1800’s) Almsgiving to the poor (Judeo-Christian Practice) Auctioned out Poorhouse, >>>asylum(humane facility-for specific dependent group) Dorthea Dix End of 1800’s( high $ & #’s, isolate groups) not a panacea National Conference of Charities & Corrections
Independent Movements Charitable Organization Society (#1) From UK to US 1877 Individual factor in poverty Home visits to address moral deficits Industrialization>relief (individual deviation) Unemployment, fear of militancy, & ind. Responsibility Led to COS Joseph Lowell dependency “evil of modern life” “visitors”, loans, job assistance Outlet for college ed. Women Kind action & role model Mary Richmond Systematic assessment into causes,training, “Social Diagnosis”
Settlement House (#2) Environmental & Social factors Jane Addams & Ellen Starr-Ed woman of the day Lived in poor neighborhoods, went from neighbor to service provider Nursery, lectures/ cultural programs, space for neighborhood groups Supported by charity but eyed government as source of reforms Run by woman
The Settlement House and Charitable Organization Society had which of the following in common: a. The source of personal and economic strife was the individual b. The programs and services were operated predominantly by woman Societal reform was the overall goal of their services Social Diagnosis was the keystone of assessment
1920’s Expansions- private family service agencies, schools, hospitals, children’s aid societies, Red Cross Social work with groups Mental hygiene movement (treatment & prevention, not custodial care) Private Social agency-hierarchy, order, procedures, & skills “scientific” & public $
Diversity versus Unity Dominated by white protestants but included Catholics, Jewish, & African American practitioners African American presence Struggle b/c of segregation Went to white schools/practiced in white agencies Atlanta SSW & National Urban League Tradition of self-help woman’s groups & churches American Association of Social Workers Uniform training Included caseworkers but not settlement workers or group workers Mandated graduate training
Depression Unemployment skyrocketed beyond traditional poor Support for social & economic factors argument FDR Federally funded relief (Social Security & Unemployment) Needs of elderly, physical disabled, & dependent children Jobs for social workers Changed focus on poor Freud & psychoanalysis Leadership in social welfare Standards of workers in fed public welfare offices School’s of Social Service Administration Undergraduate program’s victim’s in public service vs. high prof standards
Which of the following did not happen during or shortly after the Depression? Federal benefit programs were developed Economic conditions plummeted to new lows Social workers of color worked cooperatively with Caucasian colleagues The number and type of opportunities for social workers increased
Current Professional Issues NASW, CSWE, Code of Ethics Gender issues 60’s Social Work was called upon to respond to needs of African Americans, Latinos, & other people of color War on Poverty renewed (community worker versus ind. Causes debate) BSW programs expanding & recognized Diverse practitioners (10% people of color-NASW) Workforce (25% African American, 7% Latino) Education (MSW 26 %, BSW 33% People of color) Role in Political Advocacy Focus of Ed program’s (BSW & MSW) Dualism remains (individual behavior versus social econ, & pol. Structures)