No Lick Doggy by Quinn Deitrick
Explore It My problem is my dog licks my face crazy when I let her out of the kennel and her breath stinks!
Think It -let my dad let her out -Make a lick proof mask -let her out and quickly stand up -put a treat on the floor and she will go for it and not my face after I let her out
Sketch It
Now snap the shirt on the clips. Create It Get a cap then get some clips. Then get a piece of shirt. After you get these items you snap the clips on the side of the cap. Now snap the shirt on the clips.
Try It My dog did not lick my face. She just got up and walked away looking like she was tired.
Tweak It Maybe I could make it out of a different type of material.
Sell It I think people should buy it because some dogs have very bad breath and some people just don’t want to get licked.