Kaon and Phi production in p-C and p-W reactions A Kaon and Phi production in p-C and p-W reactions A. Scordo, LNF (INFN), Jia-Chii Berger-Chen (TUM) XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting Lisbon, 08/10/2015
Latest shown results No data for p > 450 MeV/c
General cuts for PID Vertex cuts : Vz cut + r cut OR Vz = -1000 Phase Space binning: Pcorr : 12 bins → 150 – 990 MeV/c q : 6 bins → 15° - 90° Vertex cuts : Vz cut + r cut OR Vz = -1000 0 < MDC dE/dX < 50 0 < b < 1 Bad strips: 2,5,9,11,23,29,35 kIsUsed==1 REMOVED: 0 < pT < 400 MeV/c Pcorr = Puncorr * 1.006 + getDeltaMom(npid, mom, theta, mat) (Exp Data) Pcorr = Puncorr + getDeltaMom(npid, mom, theta, mat) ( MC ) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
PID for p-C & p-W TOF K RPC Carbon Carbon K p p p p K TOF Wolfram K A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
Fit procedure PREFITS : Signal: Gaussian Pre-fit in K+ region Background: • Prefit with “expo” on left tail (pions) • Prefit with “expo” on right tail (protons) TOTAL FITS: • Fit of the mass spectra using prefits parameters as input to the final function: Total = Gauss + expop + expop Background = expop + expop A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K+ reconstruction in p-C (RPC) Fit looks good Better understanding is needed Out of final results No reliable K- (for the moment…) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K+ reconstruction in p-C (TOF) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K+ reconstruction in p-W (RPC) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K+ reconstruction in p-W (TOF) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K- reconstruction in p-C (RPC) Due to low statistics for K-, some q bins (for fixed p bin) have been merged Average value is then taken for each point A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K- reconstruction in p-C (TOF) Few points due to low statistics for K- A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K- reconstruction in p-W (RPC) 2 or 3 q bins berged and averaged A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
K- reconstruction in p-W (TOF) Few points due to low statistics for K- A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
q integrated K- / K+ Ratios Under study… NEW OLD A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
MC dEdX for p-C & p-W TOF K RPC Carbon Carbon K p p p p K TOF Wolfram A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
Acceptance+efficiency correction TRUE MC input : 4p GiBUU simulations K signal boosted to increase statistics MC reconstruction: hydra (l.v.) + local analysis same general cuts, NO magnetic field corr NO dEdX vs P selection → PID geant Gaus fit + polynomial background (low P) Same binning for all matrices : 12x6 (q,q) For each pq bin, efficiency is calculated: e = MCrec / TRUE Including error propagation For each pq bin, correction is applied: Kcorr = Kuncorr / e Example: K+ RPC (Carb) A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
q integrated K- / K+ ratios Correction effects With Cor NO cor A. Scordo, XXX Hades Collaboration Meeting, 2015
Conclusions (of part 1) Biasing 0 < pT < 400 MeV/c cut removed Data for p > 450 MeV/c included First acceptance & efficiency correction NEXT STEPS: Better MC PID -> s constraining Different tail fit function Extrapolation to unfitted bins Merging of RPC & TOF PT-Y analysis for consistency check