Advocating for renewable energy Simon Corbell
Victoria’s Renewable Energy Roadmap Transforming Victoria’s generation stock towards renewable energy Addressing barriers to distributed generation and storage Victoria’s Renewable Energy Roadmap Supporting households and communities to invest in renewable energy Driving jobs and investment, particularly in regional Victoria Victoria’s Renewable Energy Action Plan
Renewable Purchasing Initiative (RCPI) 100MW wind tender 75MW solar tender incl. 35MW for solar trams
Renewable Energy Target (VRET) 25% renewable by 2020 > up to 1,500MW 40% renewable by 2025 > up to 5,400MW Renewable Energy Auction Scheme Up to 11,000 jobs in construction Up to $9 billion in new capital investment Up to $2.5 billion in additional economic activity Learning from the ACT approach
Issues & opportunities for local government Strong and early community engagement Alignment with local economic development strategies Managing impacts eg. roads Clarity on local government fees and charges
Role of the renewable energy advocate Present and explain Victoria’s renewable energy policies Meet with project developers to attract investment and remove barriers Advise government, industry and community
Questions? Office of the Renewable Energy Advocate PO Box 500 East Melbourne 8002 @SimonCorbell