OBJECTIVE To determine the cost of products manufactured or services provided To record those costs in the accounting records.
TRANSACTIONS Two transactions: Transfer of material, labor and overhead. Transfer of completed goods. in addition to those recorded in the inventory systems
TRANSACTIONS Transfer of material, labor and overhead: Accumulates production costs in an inventory account (WIP). Labor cost – the pay earned by all workers directly involved in the process. Overhead cost – those required for manufacturing but not directly associated with the product.
TRANSACTIONS Transfer of completed goods: When the production process is completed. Methods of costing: Job costing Process costing
DOCUMENTS Related Document Activity 1. Transfer of material, labor and overhead Materials requisition form. Job ticket. 2. Transfer of completed goods. Completed production order.
REPORTS Control reports Production cost reports.
REPORTS Control report: Provides evidence that transactions are not lost or improperly changed during processing. Summarizes all jobs, or batches of products, that are added to or removed from the WIP account. Summarizes the total additions of material and labor to all active jobs.
REPORTS Production cost reports: Discloses total and unit costs by production center or specific jobs. Provides detail supporting the balance in WIP account.
RECORDS Production cost ledger. A subsidiary ledger for the WIP account in the general ledger. Exists in different forms. Job costing systems – for each active job. Process costing – for each cost center.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Transaction Authorization Materials Production control manager authorizes, inventory control approves.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Transaction Authorization Labor Production control manager authorizes, production supervisor approves.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Transaction Authorization Transfer of WIP to finished goods Production supervisor authorizes and approves.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Security for assets and records Raw materials Initial quantity based on bill of materials. Released only on receipt of materials requisitions.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Finished goods Transfer based on finished goods report. Security for assets and records
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Segregation of duties Materials. Factory and production control. Inventory records and warehouse. Cost accounting and general accounting.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Segregation of duties Labor. Timekeeping and payroll. Factory and timekeeping. Cost accounting and general accounting. Payroll and personnel
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Segregation of duties Transfer of WIP to finished goods. Inventory records and warehouse. Cost accounting and general accounting.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records - materials Production order request Based on reorder point and reorder quantity, or based on special customer order. Production order Issued only on the basis of a production order request. Pre-numbered.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records - materials Job cost record Initiated only on receipt of production order. Posted daily. Control total established at month end.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records – materials and transfer WIP to finished goods Inventory record Numerical sequence of materials requisitions accounted for. Control total established at month end.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records – materials and transfer WIP to finished goods General ledger Cost accounting integrated into financial accounting. Control total from inventory records and cost accounting.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records - Labor Labor time Allowed time based on operations list. Job ticket prepared with each assignment. Data on job ticket and clock card compared.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records - Labor Labor cost Updated employee list and pay rates provided by personnel department. Posted with each pay period. Control total established at month end.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records - Labor General ledger Control total for direct labor compared to payroll total
CONTROL ACTIVITIES Controls Activity Adequate documents and records – Transfer of WIP to finished goods Finished goods report Issued as soon as production process is completed. Pre-numbered. Job cost record Removed from WIP records only on receipt of finished goods report. Control total established at month end.