Alex Hall, Project Coordinator Prepare to Succeed Alex Hall, Project Coordinator @AccessHE
HEFCE NNCO funding The ‘Prepare to Succeed’ phases Project emerging findings HEI Projects Challenges AccessHE BME future work
HEFCE National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCO) 2014-16 In autumn 2015 HEFCE invited NNCO networks to submit proposals for additional project funding: “The exploration of the patterns of participation in and progression through HE, and the specific information, advice and guidance (IAG) needs of BME groups which will lead to greater success in their HE course.”
Prepare to Succeed Phase 1: Identify up to 50 BME undergraduate students willing to participate in 1 hour focus groups. Recruitment should aim to reflect the diversity of BME as a heterogeneous group Phase 2: Via the focus groups key areas will be identified where pre HE-IAG could better support subject choice and achievement Phase 3: AccessHE will lead work with a smaller group of up to 10 BME students at each HEI to enhance current practice of develop new work based on the work in phases 1 and 2
Diversity of partner HEIs BME Students 2013-14 GSM London 93% Kingston University 53% (2012/13) London South Bank University 55% LSE 51% (First year UK undergrad) Royal Veterinary College 11% St Mary’s University, Twickenham 22% (First year UK undergrad) University of Greenwich 48% University College London 44.3% (First year UK undergrad)
Focus Group - Findings Extent of IAG received pre-HE and by whom Importance of formal and informal information sources Expectations of HE study and realities Level of preparation for HE study What would have been important to know pre HE, when and how it could be delivered.
Workshops – Projects
Workshops - Projects Kingston – Enhanced ‘Head Start’ RVC – Step-by-Step IAG app for Veterinary courses St Marys – Re-develop online resources UCL – BAME Learners in London
Challenges Ensuring focus groups were representative of broad range of BME groups Research limited by only speaking to those who accessed HE Potential for future work with non-HE students and white students (control group) Co-production – students lack knowledge of current practice
Future work – Phase 4 ‘Access to Higher Education for BME Learners’ conference – December 2016 ‘Prepare to Succeed’ report Creation of an AccessHE BME Forum
Thank you Alex Hall, NCO Project Coordinator Any questions?