Options for association and collaboration with CERN Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) 35th CERN-Russia Committee meeting 24/4/2017
Introduction CERN geographical enlargement, i.e.: Membership open to non European countries Associate Membership status introduced Observer status to be phased out for countries (it remains for Organisations) approved by Council in June 2010. Main goal: adapting Membership policy to increasing globalisation of science and to the needs for global financing of future particle physics projects 2
Present status 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom 2 Associate Member States in the pre-stage to Membership: Cyprus, Serbia 4 Associate Member States: India (joined Jan 2017), Pakistan, Turkey, Ukraine Applications for Membership or Associate Membership: Brazil, Croatia, Lithuania, Russia, Slovenia Observers to Council: Japan, Russia, United States of America; European Union, JINR and UNESCO will phase out for countries ----- Meeting Notes (09/01/2013 14:16) ----- nnn With non-Member States: International Cooperation Agreements (total of ~50 today) MoU with specific experiments and projects 3 3
Member States (MS) Sit in Council (CERN’s governing body) with 1 vote per country Contribute to the annual CERN budget (~ 1.1 BCHF) in proportion to their NNI (Net National Income) Nationals are eligible for limited-duration and indefinite staff contracts at CERN Industries can bid for contracts paid from CERN budget: ~ 400 MCHF of contracts assigned every year to MS firms CERN Management, in collaboration with the MS countries, makes all efforts to ensure balanced industrial and personnel returns: e.g. if a country contributes 15% of the CERN budget, it gets ~15% of the industrial contracts and ~15% of the staff positions (on average, over the years) Many joint MS-CERN initiatives to enhance industrial opportunities and attract the best talents to CERN positions. 4
Associate Member States (AMS) Attend Open and Restricted Council sessions without voting rights (but with the right to take the floor) sit at the table with the European (and beyond) countries in one of the most important and prestigious research organisations in the world Contribute to the annual CERN budget at a minimum of 10% of their theoretical contribution if they were Member States (at least 1 MCHF/year) Nationals are eligible for limited-duration contracts at CERN bring knowledge back home upon end of the CERN contract Industries can bid for contracts paid from CERN budget. Yearly financial return (from industrial contracts and staff positions) capped to the country’s contribution to CERN budget All other advantages similar to MS (e.g. participation in educational activities, doctoral and technical students, fellows, joint CERN-countries thematic forums, technology transfer, etc.) 5
ICA or MoU with non-Member States (NMS) Agreements of mutual collaboration (CERN ⟷ country) mainly based on in-kind contributions to projects NMS industry is not eligible for contracts paid from CERN budget; nationals are not eligible for staff positions Some NMS enjoy an Observer status, which is now phasing out. Collaborations on other projects (e.g. education, technology transfer and other initiatives) are usually restricted to MS and AMS. 6
Reminder of application/approval procedure for AM Applicant country sends application (including application file) to President of Council. Russian Federation submitted a formal application on 15/11/2012 Upon receipt of complete application, Council sets up fact-finding Task Force (including representatives of Council and Directorate) to visit the country and verify fulfilment of AM criteria. Task Force appointed by Council 14/12/2012; TF visited Russia in April 2013 If TF report positive, Council authorises the DG to send model agreement (for granting AM) to State and agree on its financial contribution, which shall be at least 10% of theoretical Membership contribution and at least 1 MCHF per annum. Council authorised DG to send model agreement to Russian Federation in September 2013 Once agreement finalised, Council may by consensus decision grant AM to the country and authorize the DG to sign the corresponding agreement. Council is now waiting for a reply from Russian Federation Agreement enters into force upon receipt by CERN of written notification of completion of internal approval process by the country (details depend on the country). This process should be completed within an agreed deadline (usually 24 months). State’s AM reviewed by the Council every 5 years. 7
Application/approval procedure for full Membership 9