Cabinet Proposal Damodar Regmi
Ist Session
Topics Preparing Cabinet Proposals Objectives Identify structure and components of cabinet proposal Write cabinet proposal effectively
Contents Methods Structure and components of cabinet proposal Presentation of facts and opinions for decision Methods Interactive lecture Individual exercise (Practical skill instruction)
Separation of Power Balance of power Branches of Government Executive Legislative Judiciary Executive
Cabinet The Cabinet is the council of senior ministers who are empowered by the Government to take binding decisions on its behalf. The Cabinet makes decisions and ratifies them. It is the principal decision making body in a Westminster system of government.
CABINET CONVENTIONS AND PRINCIPLES A Westminster-style Cabinet is defined by adherence to the principles of collective responsibility and Cabinet solidarity. These principles are the binding devices that ensure the unity of purpose of the Government and underpin the formulation of consistent policy advice.
CABINET CONVENTIONS AND PRINCIPLES collective responsibility Cabinet solidarity consistent policy
Cabinet Decision Principal Decision Making body Important area Active Involvement of Bureaucracy Problem Identification Proposal Preparation Proposal submission Decision Implementation
Legal Rational Authority Politicians- Expectations Creation/ Solution Bureaucrats-Actions by rules Process Followed by rules Documentation of Decisions Accountability Politicians Bureaucrats Written, Documented Decision making
Decision Cabinet Proposal Cabinet Memo Ministry Bill PARLIAMENT
Decision Cabinet Proposal Cabinet Memo Ministry Bill PARLIAMENT
Cabinet Proposal
Cabinet Proposal
Cabinet Proposal
Decision on Cabinet Proposal
Decision on Cabinet Proposal
Decision on Cabinet Proposal
Importance of Bureaucracy Submission Validation Circulation Implementation Feedback Initiation PERFECTION
Through Cabinet Proposal Decision From Cabinet Through Cabinet Proposal Provision must be in Nepal sarkar Karya sampadan Niyamawali Tippani should be approved by respective Minister Proposal should be in Format Proposal should be submitted (signed) by the secretary of the concerned ministry only on the area of that ministry.
Decision Memo/ Tippani Ministry Bill PARLIAMENT Cabinet Proposal
Decision Memo/ Tippani Ministry Cabinet Proposal Cabinet
Our Job starts from here For Cabinet Proposal Cabinet Proposal Cabinet Our Job starts from here
For this give attention to
3 4
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj oL ;j} s'/f k|:tfjdf clgjfo{ ?kdf x'g' kb{5
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno Mention the name of the ministry from which decision was made by the minister Decision from the concerned minister is compulsory No need to attach tippani
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM Mention the subject on that area that you want to expect decision from Cabinet Subject should be in line with the tippani that already decided in the ministry by minister
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM Decision date by the minister in tippani
!=ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM Problem History Existing Provision Gap Possible Solution
@= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM Problem Homework Solution Solution Alternates Recommendation-if necessary Report MOF, MOFA, MOH,MOFSC etc
#=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M Why through Cabinet Proposal Necessary and Sufficient component Homework Report Recommendation View of the Ministry ============;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/ dlGqklifb ;dIf k|:tfj k]z ug{ df= ljefuLo dGqLHo" af6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ePsf]n] g]kfn ;/sf/ -sfo{ ;Dkfbg_ lgodfjnL @)^$sf] cg';"rL ! sf] ljifif ;+Vof ======= adf]lhd of] k|:tfj k]z ul/Psf] .
$= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f k|:tfljt lg0f{o :ki6 ?kdf n]Vg] Ps eGbf a9L lg0f{o cfjZos k/]sf] eP a"bfut ?kdf pNn]v ug]{
Option and Decision Memos Basic Components
P]g lgod g]kfn ;/sf/ sfo{ ;Dkfbg lgodfjnL lghfdtL ;]jf P]g lgodfjnL ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g lgodfjnL If]qut P]g lgodfjnL If]qut gLltx? of]hgf ah]6 aQmAosf k|fawfgx?
Necessity Font- Unicode Effiff ;/n :ki6 / ld7f; Effiffut z'Wbtf x|:j bL3{ nufot ;j} cgfjZos ;Gbe{, jfSo / zJb k|of]u gug]{ Minimize errors from Cut Paste Problem Proof Error Minor Mistake
Supporting Document/ other requirement Reference Document- Recommendation etc. 10 copies signed by Secretary Other copies as required- Stamp Sign Stamp of the Ministry Covering Letter to Baithak Shakha of OPMCM Electronic Copy Handover to the responsible official of Baithak Shakha Urgency- Someone is following you
Official Copy Confidentiality Master Copy Secretary’s Secretariat If necessary Ministers Responsible Section
Follow up Status of the proposal-Committee/ Cabinet Decision Made or not Signed copy by Chief Secretary Signed original copy to Secretary's Secretariat and photocopy in responsible section Issue the letter for implementation
Every moment is important Urgency vs Important 11th hour tendency Urgency- Someone is following you at each and every moment Stand By-
Involvement- Decision Process Validation- Chief Secretary Cabinet- Decision Submission to the cabinet- Secretary Decision by Minister Submitted to Minister- Secretary Revision- Joint Secretary Preparation – Under Secretary Section Officer- Tippani
Involvement- Implementation Process Validation- Chief Secretary Cabinet- Decision Submission to the cabinet- Secretary Decision by Minister Submitted to Minister- Secretary Revision- Joint Secretary Preparation – Under Secretary Section Officer- Tippani
JS Section Officer US Facilitating Role Important Role Secretary Implementation OPMCM Secretary
Importance of Bureaucracy Submission Validation Circulation Implementation Feedback Initiation
Importance of Bureaucracy Submission Validation Circulation Implementation Feedback Initiation PERFECTION
Session 2
k|:tfj n]vg
III rd Session
Cabinet Proposal writing Decision already made by the minister Ministry? Subject? Decision What? Decision Implementable? No re decision.
kf/bzL{ cfly{s ;xfotf 2. Appointment of Ambassador 3 ! kf/bzL{ cfly{s ;xfotf 2. Appointment of Ambassador 3.Training Institute 4.No load shedding policy 5.Speed money Free malpot office
6. Paperless / less paper office 7. Review in Quota system 8 6 . Paperless / less paper office 7.Review in Quota system 8. Revision in quota system 9. Re Structuring of SAARC 10.Retirement Age 58-60 11. Revision in Public Holiday
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj
! kf/bzL{ cfly{s ;xfotf Burning Issue Sometime controversial No special standard Loss of Government Purse Poor economic condition Disease No treatment in Nepal Need to submit the original Bill
2. Unified System of Company Listing and Specification Low Capital expenditure For Specification and tender document – lack of skill manpower Takes long time but no perfection PPMO, administrative ministry, technical ministry Standard document for specification and tender Company listing one window policy Facilitates Purchasing process
3. Training Institute Training is prerequisite for entry at the service Refreshment training and promotion NASC- Capital Other- in capital Employee outside valley compelled to come to the capital\Wastage of time and money Regional/ Provincial level training center of NASC Course curriculum and training manual by NASC
4. No load shedding policy Short Term Mid term Long Term NEA GON NPC Funding management- GON, Donor, Public
5.Speed money Free malpot office Synonym or corruption No service without speed money Middlemen- compulsory presence of lawyer Lawyer- no accountability employee- not directly accepting bribe IT System, Direct access by people, Less presence of Lawyer Can be replicated in Foreign employment office, Company registrar, Customs
6 Paperless / less paper office Paper based job, takes more time , problem in record keeping/ difficult to find Software/ email Hotmail/ yahoo/ gmail …………… Permanent e mail address OPMCM Nijamati kitabkhana
7.Review in Quota system Policy of inclusion/ Representation Increase in the representation Elite capture/ Multi- privileged Need to revise % Limit the coverage- geography, need to live in that region
8. MRP of medicines Medicine – essential thing No bargain/ No discount High commission for selling Tax free No organized whistleblowing/ Silent MRP list in MOH , DOH, DOCS website MRP list should be in every Pharma Monitoring DOH, DOCS If violating fine
9. Re Structuring of SAARC Nepal Founder member/ Current chair of SAARC Regional forum Silent/ Poor man's form SAPTA/ SAFTA Area of vast opportunity- 20% world population, Poverty reduction, utilization of natural resources, common road- air connectivity, Tourism Industry agriculture , comparative advantage sector Common Visa, Common Currency Challenge- Terrorism
10. Agro Market More than 70 % agriculture Fertile land with diverse agro products Alaichi, Olan, amriso, Orange, ginger,apple, yarsa Gumba, vegetables, meat, maize Export decreases import increases No market/ no processing industry Demand in high- depend on import High chance of export Improvement in the Balance of Payment HOW
III session
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj
1. Attendance Irregularities Irregularity in attendance Service Delivery affected Disciplined not maintained Lack of faith in Civil service Some Offices Initiated the process Condition Improving E attendance -Hajiri System Attendance machine Implementation from 2072 Falgun 1
2. Temporary Provision- Petroleum Products Diesel , petrol- Monopoly of Nepal Oil Corporation Economic Blockade- less supply of Petroleum Products High Price in Market Revenue loss Private sectors concern- Import Duty Limit -10 liter Petrol 15 ltr Diesel No commercial use.
3. Adjustment in Public Holiday Saturday 52 Festival 30+ Casual Leave+ Festival Leave= 12 Home leave 30
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lghfdtL sd{rf/Lsf] cjsfz pd]/ ^) jif{ jgfpg]
ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgsf] cfoftdf %)% eG;f/ dxz'n 5"6
==================dGqfno g]kfn ;/sf/ ==================dGqfno ljifoM k|:tfj k]z ug{ ljefuLo dGqLaf6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ldltM != ljifosf] ;+lIfKt Joxf]/fM @= k|fKt k/fdz{ tyf cGo k|f;f+lus s'/fM #=k|:tfj k]z ug{' kgf{sf] sf/0f / dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/;M =====;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/ dlGqklifb ;dIf k|:tfj k]z ug{ df= ljefuLo dGqLHo" af6 :jLs[lt k|fKt ePsf]n] g]kfn ;/sf/ -sfo{ ;Dkfbg_ lgodfjnL @)^$sf] cg';"rL ! sf] ljifif ;+Vof adf]lhd of] k|:tfj k]z ul/Psf] . $= lg0f{o x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f ldltM ====================== -Gffd_ ;lrj