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Outline Types of Distillation Column Unit-Ops Industrial example Shortcut Distillation SCDS (Simultaneous Correction Distillation) Tower Column Tower Plus Batch Distillation Industrial example Running a Column in ChemCad Stream Reports & Plots
Shortcut Distillation Used only for educational purposes Not used by Industry Not a rigorous column Fenske-Underwood Method used Rough Estimates for Theoretical number of stages, Optimal feed location, Rmin, and fractional recoveries, etc.
SCDS Distillation Simultaneous Correction Distillation System Non-ideal (activity coefficients, reactivity, etc) Packed column Models real behavior Uses thermodynamics to calculate mass and energy balances
Tower Column Uses the inside-out rigorous method for multistage VLE When computational power was limited, this was used more often than SCDS distillation Requires less iterations and converges faster
Tower Plus Also uses the inside-out rigorous method Allows for complex columns This model is very difficult to converge and is often only used in petroleum and refining applications
Which Distillation Column to Choose?
Industrial Example Plant operated by MOL Group, Hungarian Multinational Oil and Gas Company Located in Algyõ, Hungary Gas Distillation of Crude Oil The distillation products are Propane, Propane-Butane mix, iso-Butane, normal-Butane, iso-Pentane and normal-Pentane. These are drawn off as top/bottom products from different columns in each train. The quantity and quality specification for each of these product streams changes with demand. Trays Inside this tower and the lightweight gases move to the top Image from: Image from:
Step 1: Open Workspace, Select Components
Step 2: Set Units and Flowsheet
Step 3: Run Flowsheet and Specify Recovery.
Step 4: Stream and Unit Op Reports
Stream Report
Unit-Op Report & Plots
References NVERGENCE.pdf ts/ProvenResults/OilGasRefining/RES_OG_MOL_Algyo_APC_Final_7-11.pdf