Data Management, Institutional Reporting, & the Data Cookbook EDUCAUSE MARC 2011 Jan 13th, 2010 Twitter - #MARC11_CORP04
Presentation Goals: We will discuss: Introductions: Loyola, IData, and all of you What do we mean by data management? Data Management initiatives at Loyola University 10 Best Practices for Data Management and Collaboration Introduction to the Data Cookbook Results at Loyola and IData services Open discussion Pipe Up! We welcome questions & feedback as we go.
Louise Finn CIO/AVP Technology Services Presenter - Loyola University Maryland Louise Finn CIO/AVP Technology Services BS Business Management – Johns Hopkins MBA – Johns Hopkins 1992-2002 – JHU; Enterprise Network Mgr. 2002-2007 – CampusWorks, Inc; Sr. Consultant 2007-present – Loyola; CIO/AVP Tech Services
University Profile 2010-2011 4-yr Private, Liberal Arts, Jesuit, Catholic University 4 campuses in Baltimore metro area Student FTE – 5,020 Headcount: Undergraduate – 3,807 Graduate – 2,254 81% Living on Campus Faculty FTE – 394 72% tenured/tenured track Faculty – Student ratio: 1:13 Strategic Plan – ”…become leading Catholic comprehensive university…”
Technology Profile Datatel Colleague v18 Datatel Active Campus Portal (MS Sharepoint) Blackboard v8 (CMS) Moodle (CMS) iStrategy (SIS) Entrinsik Informer Business Objects
About the IData Presenters Brian S. Parish: President, IData Incorporated 16 years in Higher Education Technology Worked with well over 100 schools on technology and reporting projects
About the IData Presenters Scott Flory: Director of Reporting Services, IData 15 years in Higher Ed Technology Worked with many different kinds of data migrations, transformations, mappings Eats data for breakfast
About IData Incorporated Higher education technology consulting firm Focus on solving problems in higher ed: Technology services (custom dev, integration, staffing) Institutional research & reporting services Innovative software and tools Started in 2004, Based in Alexandria, VA
Who is here? Show of hands: From an information technology (IT) office? From an institutional research (IR) office? From a functional office (registrar, finance, etc)? Other? College community is happy with reporting?
Observation: Institutions continue to struggle with reporting. Some schools are successful with a wide range of reporting tools. Many schools have been unsuccessful with the same tools.
What does make the difference? Communication Collaboration Knowledge of the data Transparency The right staffing Best practices Knowledge base/collaboration tools Data Management…
Data Management What do we mean by Data Management? Data Definitions Data Knowledge Data Governance Data Quality Data Access
Data Management at Loyola
Data Management @ Loyola Scattered data stores ERP, CMS, LMS, shadow systems Synchronization issues Reporting fragmented Lack of understanding of tools available Little protection or understanding of our data No accountability
Approaching the Problem: 3. Accountability Information Security Policy passed Created role of Data Steward Identified responsibilities Appointed one within each business unit Compensation approved by HR Provided training Compliance (Federal, State, University policy) Reporting tools Conducted inventory of electronic assets
Approaching the Problem; 2. Protection of Electronic Assets Mandated by new Policy and Regs Confidentiality Agreement required Asset Inventory performed by Data Stewards Classification of Data Authentication controls Access controls Host and network based security Monitoring
Approaching the Problem; Scattered Data Stores Data Inventory completed by Data Stewards IT interviewed business units Restricted/Sensitive data (at rest, in motion) Reporting Assessment performed by IData Mistrust in data Difficulty in getting data out of systems if crossing departmental boundaries No process for report requests No official record of reports in use No process for reporting/resolution of data problems
Trends in Institutional Reporting Challenges
Trends and Challenges Demand for Data continues to rise There are more consumers for the institutional data Higher Education data is getting more complicated Data systems are both integrating and diverging New reporting technologies are developing The traditional “Report” has almost vanished IT and IR often don’t even speak the same language
The Problem
Reporting Tools?
More Reporting Tools?
Awesome Reporting Tools?
Canned Reports?
Or a Reporting Process?
Feast of Information
Start small, but think big… build a Process 10 Best Practices Start small, but think big… build a Process Data requests should be a conversation Establish/empower data stewards Train on the data more than the tool
Be very specific in defining reporting terms Best Practices Place Importance on documenting the purpose of each report: “Why” not “What” Be very specific in defining reporting terms Create a report request/change process with a standard for report specifications
Create an institutional knowledge base Best Practices Create an institutional knowledge base Knowledge is developed one question at a time. It is happening now at your institution. Are you capturing it? Make your knowledge base easily shared and accessible: “Liberate the knowledge” Collaboration with other schools and standards agencies should be encouraged.
Tools That Can Help
Collaboration Tools: Wiki Google-docs SharePoint Content Management System (CMS) Word/Excel documents Shared Network Drives Ticket /Request Systems As IData delivered reporting services, we saw a need for a more complete tool for supporting best practices. In November 2009, IData released
What is the Data Cookbook?
How is data management working so far… Results at Loyola How is data management working so far…
Loyola’s Data Management Program Data Management Processes Implementation of a Data Dictionary and Report Repository ( iData CookBook) Improved understanding of the Tools available A Data Loss Prevention Strategy Training Programs held Annually Compliance for Data Stewards Cyber Security Awareness Identified weaknesses in staffing Ongoing auditing and monitoring Reporting efforts that are improving & IData Services
Data Cookbook & IData Services Online demonstrations Pricing and sign-up News and Reviews “Sometimes you just need help. We like to help.” Data Cookbook Services – Implementation Services Workshops Content Stewards Other Services – Institutional Research and Reporting Services Technology Consulting Services
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