Title (suggested font size 90) Presenter(s): (suggested font 70) Faculty Mentor: (suggested font 60) University of Kentucky (suggested font 50) This is just a template/suggestion. Feel free to make your poster your own. Just make sure it meets the size requirements and has the NEW UK logo. Thanks, UGR Staff HEADING (suggested font size 36) HEADING (suggested font size 36) HEADING (suggested font size 36) Text Suggested font size 24 Text Suggested font size 24 (suggested font size 36) You may explain your image or add a caption here. Text Suggested font size 24 You may explain your image or add a caption here. HEADING (suggested font size 36) Text Suggested font size 24 You may explain your image or add a caption here. HEADING (suggested font size 36) Text Suggested font size 24