Chapter 32 Today’s Issues Southeast Asia, Oceania, & Antarctica Objective: Examine regional issues of land claims, industrialization, & global warming, & the implications for the world community
Chapter 32 Section 1 Aboriginal Land Claims Vocabulary: Assimilation, Stolen Generation, Land Rights Act of 1976, Mabo Case, Pastoral Leases, & Wik Case Objective: Examine hoe Aboriginal people lose their land & suffered from forced assimilation
Aboriginal People Lose Land Aboriginal people didn’t farm or herd the land but rather relied on hunting & gathering British colonist believed that since the Aboriginal people didn’t farm or build on the land that they had no ties to it The Aboriginal people lost their land to the colonist Australian government promoted assimilation Assimilation called for the Aboriginal people to give up their culture & adopt the majorities culture Stolen Generation: 100,000 mixed-raced children were given to white families to promote assimilation
Land Claims Aboriginal people were given full citizenship of Australia Land Rights Act of 1976: gave Aboriginal people the right to claim land in the Northern Territory of Australia
Land Claims Mabo Case: recognized the Aboriginal people owned land before the British arrived Pastoral Leases: allows ranchers to rent the land from the government Since the land is being rented out the Aboriginal have a hard time show their ties to the land Wik Case: allowed Aboriginals people to claim land even under pastoral leases
Chapter 32 Section 2 Industrialization Sparks Change Vocabulary: Industrialization & Push-Pull Factors Objective: Identify reasons for Southeast Asian urban growth & examine its impact
Moving to Find Jobs Industrialization (growth of industry) is huge in Southeast Asia People move to the cities because of push-pull factors Push factors push people out of their homeland & pull factors pull them to a new place Push Factors include lost resources, scarcity of land, & population growth Pull Factors include industry & other benefits However cities are now overpopulated & polluted
Other Results of Industrialization Industry has given the region higher incomes & an expanding middle class However a high number still live in poverty Industry can also damage the environment with air pollution & water pollution Cities need to promote their industrial growth but find ways to deal with the overpopulation & environmental damage
Case Study Global Environmental Change Objective: Identify future effects of environmental change & examine international efforts to take action
Damage to the Environment CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is a greenhouse gas that traps the suns heat Scientist fear the atmosphere has too many greenhouse gases & CO2 levels are increasing causing the temperature to rise Scientist discovered a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica
Looking Toward the Future Some people predict that global warming might change patterns of evaporation & precipitation We could have violent storms or droughts in certain regions They also worry that a thinning ozone layer might increase thing like skin cancer, eye damage, & drop damage
Taking Action 1992, UN held the Earth Summit to discuss ways to pursue economic development while protecting the environment Kyoto Protocol, were guidelines for developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions