Social Responsibility program


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Presentation transcript:

Social Responsibility program In My House I Save Social Responsibility program

Social Responsibility program In My House I Save Social Responsibility program Competition Schools Tour Purpose Competition designed to encourage young people to deal with financial matters and recognise the importance of saving. Instil in young people from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds the importance of organising their personal finances, stress the need to save and prioritise needs, and teach basic economic concepts How? Public contest announced in TV spot, at schools, associations, Deutsche Bank branches, as well as on the competition website and Facebook Lessons given by Deutsche Bank volunteers in schools in which EPIS is active Who? Tese – Non-governmental organisation which develops and implements projects to meet social needs EPIS – Association of Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion. The president of Portugal serves as its patron. Sic Radical – TV channel most viewed by young people in Portugal Deutsche Bank – Portugal Why? Deutsche Bank is committed to sharing its expertise with society and making a contribution in particular to the younger generation. It aims to convey the message that, by making small cuts, young people and their families can save money and dedicate those savings to fund projects close to their hearts.

Annex & Details

What it is? What is its purpose? Contest for young people which aims to encourage saving habits for the whole family through creative means. It seeks to convey the message that, by making small cuts, young people and their families can save money and dedicate those savings to fund projects close to their hearts.

How it works? Target group: young people aged between 14 and 25 Mechanics Video or comic strip production Upload to the website and share on Facebook Seek to win the highest number of likes Evaluation by the jury Awards ceremony

What happened in 2012? Partnership combining the expertise of TESE (NGO), the support and media reach of Sic Radical (cable TV channel) and investment by Deutsche Bank. Development of content and information material for the campaign. Launch of the video contest In My House I Save about how families can save €150 a month. Sharing of ideas and tips for saving on the website. Submission, publication and voting on the videos in social networks The top 10 most voted on Facebook were submitted to the jury for the final decision. 10 prizes: €200 for 9 prizewinners and a top prize of €1,000.

Some numbers of 2012 32,777 views of the competition website 146,123 comments generated on Facebook 13,972 likes on videos 22,967 views of participants’ videos

In 2013...two approaches 1 – In my house I save 2 – Ongoing schools tour 1 – Continuation of the partnership between Tese, Sic Radical and Deutsche Bank and inclusion of EPIS (Association of Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion). Contest categories broadened to include video and comic strips 10 cash prizes for participants; 2 – Financial literacy contest. Use of teaching by Deutsche Bank volunteers in schools to encourage a plan for organising personal finances.

What has been done? Image editing; Website creation; Establishment of contest roles; Drafting of communication materials; Actors invited to take part in TV spot. Nomination of jury: Pedro Boucherie Mendes: General director of Sic Radical and director of thematic contents. Former jury of the program Idols. Helena Gata: Tese director Gonçalo Galvão Teles: Film director and producer Francisco Pinto Machado: Marketing & communication director of Deutsche Bank João Morais Barbosa: Consulting and training management in financial education Rita Vaz Pinto: EPIS Schools coordinator Renewal of the partnership between TESE, Do Something, Deutsche Bank and Sic Radical. Inclusion of EPIS in the project.

Ongoing activities… Launch of the challenge Schools tour by Tese and EPIS with some Deutsche Bank volunteers Workshop preparing Deutsche Bank volunteers to train/teach young people Advertising spot recorded to communicate the project on TV (two well-known youth actors were chosen as the public face of the program). The spot was aired in 2012