Technology and Learning Fund 21st Century Innovations Research Initiative
Developing Citizenship A global perspective Understanding of diverse values and worldviews Genuine interest in human environmental sustainability Leveraging digital Solving ambiguous and complex problems in the real world to benefit citizens
Students are aware of both global and local issues and understand they can play a role in making a change in the world Kindergarten students shared what it means to be a global citizen
Use of digital tools for collaboration and communication Class Website "Roseneath 112 Saves the World" displayS project progress. Class Twitter Account: @Roseneath106 #GlobalGoals #GlobalCitizen {Insert image, audio, video, quote etc.- no longer than 2 mins in length}
Developing Learning Goals and Success Criteria
Student ownership and voice
Developing Global Citizenship: After learning about Global Warming students made the connection that garbage contributes to Global Warming therefore we should produce less garbage. They decided to try and reduce the amount of garbage produced here at Roseneath Centennial Public School. They decided they would have a contest to see which class produced the least amount of garbage for one week! The winner would get cupcakes.
Students had choice in how to make a difference
Learner Values and Impact Students have become role models in the school – they have used their voices to speak for the bees when other kids at recess are picking dandelions FeedBack from other classes- Students are making connections in other grades: Grade 4/5 teacher : while I was taking the inventory of the requirements for life, Emily V says "sure, oxygen is great, but what about bees? If you don't have bees, you don't have food!" Good job presenting, Kinders!! We sent our video and seeds to 3 other schools – Brighton Public: Planted seeds to help the bees