Created by: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts Period 2 or 6 March 7, 2014 Begging the Question Created by: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts Period 2 or 6 March 7, 2014
Begging the Question This happens when the reader assumes “the truth of a conclusion that has not been proved.” This error leads to an argument that goes around and around, with evidence making the same claim as the proposition. Aaron, Jane E. ed. The Compact Reader: Short Essays by Method and Theme. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2008. Print.
Begging the Question-Example # 1 These movies are popular because they make so much money. They make a lot of money because people like them. People like them because they are so popular. Gunnar, R. “Argument: Logical Fallacies & Propaganda.” Mr.Gunnar’s English Class. Web. 7 Dec. 2009.
Begging the Question: Graphic! They make a lot of money because people like them. People like them because they are so popular. These movies are popular because they make so much money. Begging the Question: Graphic!
Analysis and Counter-Argument The example commits the fallacy of Begging the Question because the conclusion, “People like them because they are so popular,” has not been proved by the propositions: “These movies are popular because they make so much money,” and “They make a lot of money because people like them.” Counter-Argument: One could argue that a reason has not been cited about why the movies are popular. Saying that the “movie is popular” is saying the same thing as “people like the movie.” They are assuming that the movie is popular because people like it, but that might not be the cause, or the only cause, of the popularity of the movie.
Begging the Question-Example # 2 Link: Obama Love Context: During the last presidential election in 2008, republicans have criticized the media for being biased in favor of Barack Obama. Explanation: The media love Obama. Obama is popular. Obama is popular because the media love Obama. They are assuming that the media are causing Obama to be popular, when that may not be the cause for his popularity.