9/25/08 - High School Heroes BR- Reflective Journal #2 1 9/25/08 - High School Heroes BR- Reflective Journal #2 1. List one success you had this week and how you achieved it. 2. List one failure you suffered this week. How will you make sure it doesn’t happen next week? 3. If you could have one super-power, what would it be? Why? 4. What is the most serious problem people your age face today? 5. What are the most important qualities in a leader?
Assignment - (50 Points) Using your list of logical fallacies, go on a logical fallacy hunt. Go into the world and find an example of someone using a logical fallacy to argue.
Details.. The fallacy should be from a story found in the newspaper, a magazine, or the internet. Print out the story (or clip it if its your magazine or paper.) On a separate piece of paper: State the logical fallacy and your reasons why you think it is that fallacy. How this argument affects its intended audience Why you think that person used that fallacy Email me if you need help! Its ok to work together but each person should hand in their OWN paper
Here’s what you can do. Ask for clarification on a logical fallacy. Ask for examples. Get up, talk to your colleagues and ask them as well. You could ask the colleague to give you and example of a logical fallacy. Move. Work. Use this time wisely.
Helpful Links http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/fallacies.html http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html good circular argument http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/Logical%20Fallacies.htm
Debate Assignment Watch the 1st presidential debate. (This Friday, 7pm, CNN or PBS) Make a list of logical fallacies. Who committed them and explain why you think it’s a logical fallacy. Summarize the candidates opinion on the following issues: The government’s role in the economy Will the U.S. continue to fight terrorism (How? Where?) Identify specific plans or ideas mentioned by the candidates. What is the plan in connection with. Did they offer details? Do they answer the questions they are asked On what issues do the candidates seem uncomfortable Try NOT to listen to the talking-head, loudmouth media stooges that offer their “interpretation” after the debate is over. When the last question is over, TURN THE TV OFF! We’ll discuss on Monday!
If there is no debate.. For 25 Extra Credit Points: Write in no more than 1 page an essay that responds to the following situation. “I am not going to vote. My vote doesn’t matter and nothing ever changes. Why should I vote?”