Harcourt 10-11 Theme 1 Whole Group Lesson 3 Day 5 Materials needed: -StoryTown book for each student -Optional: Practice Book for each student 1
Whole Group Reading Find your StoryTown book in your desk. Yesterday we finished our story…
…Danitra Brown Leaves Town. Now let’s see if we can answer a few questions about our story using our…
Robust Vocabulary …robust vocabulary words. Remember we had…
stroll clusters sizzles surrender particular sparkling We learned 6 new words this week. Which word means to give in to something? Would you rather surrender to seeing a movie or to babysitting your younger brother or sister? Why? Which word means small groups? What fruit is usually sold in clusters? What word means one specific thing of its kind? What is your favorite way of spending time when you have nothing particular to do? Which word means to walk in slow, relaxed way? Where would you enjoy taking a stroll? Which word means that something hot is making a hissing sound? If you wake up and hear something sizzling in the kitchen, what might you be having for breakfast? What word means shining brightly? Let’s see how these words were used in our story about Danitra and Zuri. sizzles surrender particular sparkling
What did Danitra tell Zuri to surrender to? Right There Danitra told Zuri to surrender to a summer filled with raspberry ices, pink lemonade, walks on the beach, a trip to the zoo, a Ferris wheel ride, a family barbecue, a Sunday school picnic, and no homework. Can someone read this first question? This is a * right there question. Let’s look back in the story to find a good answer. Turn to page 86. What is one thing Danitra told Zuri to surrender to? Here is an example of a good response…*
How did Zuri feel about the beginning of that particular summer? Author and You Zuri was feeling upset because her best friend Danitra was leaving town. She was also feeling angry because Danitra was so excited about her summer trip and didn’t seem to care about leaving her behind. Can someone read this question? This is an * author and you question. That means the author gives us clues, but we need to use our own knowledge and experiences to figure out the answer. Turn to page 87. Let’s reread this page. How did Zuri feel? Would someone like to read my response? *
What did Danitra see sparkling in the summer night sky? Think and Search Danitra saw stars sparkling in the night sky. Can someone read this question? This is a * think and search question. The answer is in the text but we need to use information in more than one place. Turn to page 90. Let’s reread the first two parts of the letter. What did Danitra see sparkling in the night sky? * The author used a figure of speech called a… 8
compares two things by saying one thing is the other thing metaphor compares two things by saying one thing is the other thing metaphor. A metaphor * compares two things by saying one this is another thing. In the story the author compares the stars in the sky to two different things. What are the two things she compares the stars to? (night-lights and clusters of fireflies)
Why was Danitra able to see clusters of stars so clearly? Author and You Danitra was able to see clusters of stars so clearly because there were no clouds in the sky that night. Can someone read this question? This is an * author and you question. That means the author gives us clues, but we need to use our own knowledge and experiences to figure out the answer. Why would Danitra be able to see the stars so clearly? Would someone like to read my response? * 10
What did Zuri do when music sizzled up out of the sidewalk? Right There When music sizzled up out of the sidewalk, Zuri started to dance. Can someone read this question? This is a * right there question. Let’s see if we can find the answer on page 91. What did Zuri do? Would someone like to read my response? * The author used another figure of speech called… 11
giving human qualities to things that are not human personification giving human qualities to things that are not human …personification. Personification is * giving human qualities to things that are not human. What did the dance beat do that only a human could do? (grabbed hold of her feet) The author used a lot of great descriptive words on this page. (hissing, blasting, hip-swinging, head-bobbing, foot-stomping)
What did Zuri and her mother do as they strolled along the boardwalk on Fourth of July? Right There Zuri and her mother talked and sometimes skipped as they strolled along the boardwalk on Fourth of July. Can someone read this question? This is a * right there question. Let’s see if we can find the answer on page 95. What did Zuri and her mother do as they strolled along the boardwalk? Would someone like to read my response? * Now let’s revisit this week’s… 13
Focus Skill …focus skill. Remember this week, our focus skill is to…
Compare and Contrast Focus Skill: Compare Tell how characters, places, and events in a story are the same. …compare and contrast. Can someone remind us what it means to * compare? Can someone remind us what it means to * contrast? We learned that you can use a special graphic organizer to help you compare and contrast. What graphic organizer is useful for comparing and contrasting things? * Contrast Tell how characters, places, and events in a story are different. 15
Venn Diagram Both Danitra’s Fourth Zuri’s Fourth of July of July Let’s use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two events from our story…* Zuri’s Fourth of July and Danitra’s Fourth of July. I want you and your partner to reread p.95 and 96. On these two pages, they describe Zuri’s 4th of July and Danitra’s 4th of July. Using a Venn Diagram, I would like you to compare and contrast these two events. Be sure to include things from these categories… 16
Include details about the day from these categories: people food (read) (give students time to make Venn Diagrams, then share ideas – make a class Venn Diagram on your easel or whiteboard) Let’s see how we could use a Venn Diagram to help us answer questions… activities feelings 17
What is one way Danitra’s and Zuri’s experiences were alike? One way Danitra and Zuri’s experiences were alike is that they both involved a celebration of the holiday with the family. A second way that Danitra and Zuri’s experiences were alike is that they both included eating delicious food. Can someone read this first question? (call on volunteers to give answers) I found three good answers to this question…* * * (call on volunteers to read each answer) A third way that Danitra and Zuri’s experiences were alike is that they both lasted all day and they were fun.
What is one way Danitra’s and Zuri’s experiences were different? One way their experiences were different is that Zuri spent the day with her mom, but Danitra spent the day with many different relatives. Can someone read this next question? (call on volunteers to give answers) I found two good answers to this question…* * (call on volunteers to read each answer) Today I’d like to talk to you about something else good readers do when they read…. Another way their experiences were different is that Zuri went to a beach-side boardwalk, while Danitra was at a backyard barbeque.
Good readers make judgments about what they are reading. Would someone like to read it for us? When you make a judgment, you form your own idea or opinion about something. You probably already make judgments as you read. You might form an opinion about a character’s behavior. Maybe you think the character was smart or foolish to do what he did. You might make judgments about the setting of the story. Maybe you think it would be a fun place to visit. The most important part of making judgments is using details from the story, along with knowledge you already have, to explain your judgment. When making a judgment, there may not be a right or wrong answer. Different readers make different judgments bases on what each individual likes or thinks.
Let’s read this short passage and see if we can make some judgments. The writer says * there’s absolutely nothing to do around here. I am making the judgment that this is not true. Can you find a reason to support my judgment? (he was invited to take swimming lessons, to join a softball team, and to go to a computer class) The writer also says * everyone he knows is gone. Make a judgment. Do you think that is true? Why or why not? (no – mentions Andre, Jarell, Matt, and Mitchell – they all invited him to do things with them) Do you think the writer’s attitude about summer is a good one? Why or why not? (no, he thinks things will be boring without even trying them – he’ll never have fun if he doesn’t try new things) (If you wish, have students do practice book page 15 on making judgments)