Importance of Communication :) http://youtu.be/87HsUukEj4Y
Importance of Communication Communication is key within your chapter and our organization Each of the officers on your team play a part in growing your chapter as a whole Inform the chapter of upcoming events Remember!!! If they don't know they can't go
Steps to Effective Communication Listening Conversation Make it Personal Confidence Alternative Communication Techniques
Listening Know your members concerns Pay attention in your officer meetings Always listen to what people have to say....it is usually important!
Conversation Now that we can listen....we can speak up and start conversation Know your audience Always show Respect and be Courteous
Make it Personal Get to know who you are speaking to Remember Names FULL Attention! You only get one chance at a first impression
Confidence Enthusiasm!!! How you talk has a big effect on how well people listen Confidence in yourself can bring out the best in others as well as yourself
Alternative Communication Techniques E-mail School Newspaper County or City Paper Websites (School or FFA Chapter) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Get The Word Out!! What are some ways to get your chapters activities out to the community?? While you think here are some AWESOME cheerleaders!!
Common Answers Names of local CDE winners and local SAE participation awards News Stories Feature Stories Photographs of events or people Human Interest Stories Special Events All of these are ways of getting your chapter noticed by you community by suggesting these ideas to local radio stations or area news channel program
Let's Review! Communication is IMPORTANT!! Be prepared to listen and pay attention Keep in mind who your audience is You only get one chance at a first impression Confidence in yourself is great for other people Know the other options of communication Get the word out about your chapter